[License-review] Request for Review and Approval of the Open Source Protection License (OSPL)

Harvey Washington hjw45h at gmail.com
Mon Jun 3 19:28:52 UTC 2024

Dear* License Review Committee,*

I am writing to submit the Open Source Protection License (OSPL) for your
review and approval. The OSPL is designed to facilitate open and
collaborative development while protecting the rights and vision of the
original author. Below is the full text of the OSPL:


Open Source Protection License (OSPL)

Terms and Conditions
The Open Source Protection License (OSPL) is a legally binding
agreement designed to facilitate open and collaborative development
while protecting the rights and vision of the original author. By
using, copying, modifying, or distributing the work (the "Work"), you
agree to abide by the terms and conditions of this license.

1. Definitions
• "Work" refers to any copyrighted material, including software,
hardware designs, documentation, or other creative content, covered by
this license.
• "You" refers to an individual or entity exercising rights under
this license.
• "Author" refers to the original creator of the Work.
• "Adaptation" means a work based upon the Work, including
modifications, enhancements, or derivative works.
• "Commercial Use" refers to any use primarily intended for or
directed towards commercial advantage or monetary compensation.

2. Grant of License
Subject to the terms and conditions of this OSPL, the Author grants
You a worldwide, royalty-free, non-exclusive license to:

• Copy, reproduce, and share the Work.
• Create Adaptations of the Work, provided that such Adaptations
align with the original Author's vision, as interpreted in good faith.

3. Redistribution
You may distribute copies of the Work or Adaptations thereof, provided that:

• You include a copy of this OSPL with every copy of the Work or Adaptation.
• Any redistribution, including commercial redistribution, must
provide appropriate credit to the Author. For non-commercial
redistribution, credit is not required but recommended.
• The Work and any Adaptation thereof must be licensed under the OSPL.

4. Attribution
1) For any use, distribution, or reproduction of the Work in a
commercial context, You must provide appropriate credit to the Author,
indicating the original creation by the Author. This attribution
should be included in a manner reasonable to the medium or means of
2) Non-commercial use, distribution, or reproduction of the Work does
not require attribution, though it is appreciated.

5. No Warranty
1) The Work is provided "as is," without warranty of any kind, express
or implied, including but not limited to the warranties of
merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and
2) In no event shall the Author be liable for any claim, damages, or
other liability, whether in an action of contract, tort, or otherwise,
arising from, out of, or in connection with the Work or the use or
other dealings in the Work.

6. Limitation of Liability
To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, in no event shall
the Author be liable for any special, incidental, indirect, or
consequential damages whatsoever arising out of the use of or
inability to use the Work, even if the Author has been advised of the
possibility of such damages.

7. Termination
This License and the rights granted hereunder will terminate
automatically upon any breach by You of the terms of this License.
Individuals or entities who have received Adaptations or copies of the
Work from You under this License, however, will not have their
licenses terminated provided such individuals or entities remain in
full compliance with those licenses.

8. Miscellaneous
1) If any provision of this License is held to be unenforceable, such
provision shall be reformed only to the extent necessary to make it

2) This License constitutes the entire agreement between the parties
with respect to the Work licensed here. It supersedes any prior
agreements, understandings, or arrangements between the parties
relating to the Work.

Additional Clauses
Preservation of Integrity: Adaptations should respect the original
Work's integrity and not misrepresent the Author’s vision.
Notification of Use: It is recommended, though not required, that You
notify the Author when you use the Work for significant projects or
commercial purposes.
Contribution Back: It is encouraged that any improvements or
modifications You make to the Work be shared back with the community
under the same terms.

By exercising any rights to the Work provided here, You accept and
agree to be bound by the terms of this OSPL.

This license is inspired by the principles of open-source
collaboration and community-driven development, modeled after licenses
such as CC-BY-SA and other open-source licenses.

Summary of the OSPL:
The OSPL allows anyone to copy, share, and adapt the work, provided that
adaptations align with the original author's vision. Redistribution,
including commercial use, is permitted under the same license terms, with
proper attribution required for commercial use. Non-commercial use does not
require attribution but is appreciated.

The OSPL was created to balance open collaboration with the need to protect
the original creator's vision and contributions. It aims to ensure that all
adaptations and redistributions respect the integrity of the original work
and provide due credit to the author.

Key Features:
- Allows copying, sharing, and adaptation of the work.
- Ensures adaptations align with the original author's vision.
- Requires redistribution under the same license terms.
- Mandates attribution for commercial use.

Comparison with Existing Licenses:
The OSPL is inspired by licenses such as CC-BY-SA and the GNU GPL, but with
additional provisions to maintain the author's vision and ensure proper
attribution in commercial contexts.

Use Cases:
The OSPL is intended for use in a variety of contexts, including software,
hardware designs, documentation, and other creative works. It has already
been adopted for several personal projects and is being considered by other
developers and creators.

I appreciate your time and consideration in reviewing the Open Source
Protection License. I am available to answer any questions and provide
additional information as needed.

Best regards,

*Founder, Nebula One*
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