[License-review] 回复:Re: 回复:Re: [license review] Mulan PSL V1

刘天栋 ted at kaiyuanshe.org
Thu Mar 5 00:08:25 UTC 2020

Thank much!

Ted Liu
Directors of board, kaiyuanshe
ASF member

发件人:"Pamela Chestek "<pamela at chesteklegal.com>;
发送时间:2020年3月5日(星期四) 上午8:06
收件人:"license-review" <license-review at lists.opensource.org>;
主题:Re: [License-review] 回复:Re: [license review] Mulan PSL V1

                    It will be listed, we're just a bit behind in getting the new     licenses added.
     Pamela S. Chestek
       Chestek Legal
       PO Box 2492
       Raleigh, NC 27602
       pamela at chesteklegal.com
       On 3/4/2020 6:39 PM, 刘天栋 wrote:
       I wonder when the Mulan PSL v2 will be visible         on https://opensource.org/licenses/alphabetical? Is there any         additional steps to get listed?
         Ted Liu
         发件人:"Pamela Chestek "<pamela at chesteklegal.com>;
         发送时间:2020年2月16日(星期天) 凌晨0:40
         收件人:"License submissions for OSI review"         <license-review at lists.opensource.org>;
         抄送:"OSI Board of Directors "<board at lists.opensource.org>;
         主题:Re: [License-review] [license review] Mulan PSL V1
                        Thanks McCoy!
           From:               License-review               <license-review-bounces at lists.opensource.org> on               behalf of McCoy Smith <mccoy at lexpan.law>
               Sent: Saturday, February 15, 2020 8:19:40 AM
               To: License submissions for OSI review               <license-review at lists.opensource.org>
               Cc: OSI Board of Directors               <board at lists.opensource.org>
               Subject: Re: [License-review] [license review]               Mulan PSL V1              
                        That categorization was defined by the old               License Proliferation Committee:
             “ Licenses                 that are popular and widely used or with strong                 communities
                            We used statistics obtained from public sources to               determine which licenses are widely used. We believed that               there were a few licenses that, while not the most               popular, were widely used within their communities and               that these also belonged in this group.”                            
                                         Note also that duplicativeness is part of the assessment               of categorization, which might be relevant given that               Mulan (IIRC) is substantially modeled after Apache.               
                 On Feb 15, 2020, at 6:48 AM,                   Pamela Chestek <pamela.chestek at opensource.org>                   wrote:
That's a good question and one I don't have the                     answer to. I would define the category as licenses                     that are used by thousands of projects and one that                     everyone knows, as we all use "GPL," "MIT," and                     "Apache" understanding that everyone will know what                     we're talking about. I can imagine that this would                     be true of the Mulan at some point. I would write to                     this list at that point and ask for a                     reclassification.
Chair, License Committee
                     Open Source Initiative
                   On 2/15/20 8:37 AM, zhou minghui wrote:
That's great news! 
Thank you all for the feedback that helps to                       improve Mulan, and thank you for approving Mulan                       PSL as an OSI approved license!  I believe there                       will be substantial contributions from China to                       the OSS world in the near future.                       
Please let me know if there is any further                       recommendations regarding the use of this license.
BTW, after Mulan PSL is "Popular and Widely Used                       or With Strong Communities", should I apply for                       switching it from “International” category to                       “Popular and Widely Used or With Strong                       Communities” category?
Minghui ZHOU
Peking University
                     On 2/15/20 1:40 AM,                       Pamela Chestek wrote:
                     At the Board meeting of                       February 14, 2020, the Board of the Open Source                       Initiative approved the Mulan PSL License v2. The                       votes was 9 in favor of approval, 0 opposed, 0                       abstention, and 2 members not present.
                       Pamela Chestek
                         Chair, License Review committee
                         Open Source Initiative
                       On 2/11/2020 9:34                         PM, Pamela Chestek wrote:
To the Board of the OSI and the                           License-Review list:
                           Below is the recommendation of the License                           Committee of the Open Source Initiative on the                           Mulan PSL License v2.

Pamela Chestek
                         License Committee
                         Open Source Initiative                         
License: Mulan PSL License v2 (Exhibit A)
                           Submitted: Version 1 December 3, 2019,  http://lists.opensource.org/pipermail/license-review_lists.opensource.org/2019-December/004451.html
                           Resubmitted: Version 2 December 30, 2019,  http://lists.opensource.org/pipermail/license-review_lists.opensource.org/2019-December/004590.html                           
                           Resubmitted: Version 2 January 6, 2020,  http://lists.opensource.org/pipermail/license-review_lists.opensource.org/2020-January/004640.html                           
                           Decision date: due no later than the first                           Board meeting after February 6, 2020
                           License Review Committee Recommendation: 
                           Resolved that it is the opinion of the OSI                           that the Mulan PSL License v2 be approved as                           an Open Source Initiative Approved License in                           the International category of licenses.
                           Rationale Document
                           The license was modified twice in response to                           comments on license-review, addressing the                           criticisms made. There have been no comments                           suggesting that the last version of the                           license submitted is not an open source                           license.                           
                           The OSI believes that a Chinese language open                           source license, which will encourage the                           release of open source software by the Chinese                           community, is a valuable addition to the list                           of approved licenses.
                           The submitter requested categorization in the                           “Popular and Widely Used or With Strong                           Communities” category, however it is being                           placed in the “International” category. The                           license has not been in existence long enough                           to be considered for the “Popular and Widely                           Used or With Strong Communities” category.
                           Exhibit A
                           木兰宽松许可证, 第2版
                           2020年1月                              http://license.coscl.org.cn/MulanPSL2
                           0.     定义
                           1.    授予版权许可
                           2.   授予专利许可
                           3.   无商标许可
                           4.   分发限制
                           5.   免责声明与责任限制
                           6.   语言
                           1,  请您补充如下声明中的空白,包括软件名、软件的首次发表年份以及您作为版权人的名字;
                           2,                            请您在软件包的一级目录下创建以“LICENSE”为名的文件,将整个许可证文本放入该文件中;
                           3, 请将如下声明文本放入每个源文件的头部注释中。
                           Copyright (c) [Year] [name of copyright                           holder] [Software Name] is licensed under                           Mulan PSL v2. You can use this software                           according to the terms and conditions of the                           Mulan PSL v2. You may obtain a copy of Mulan                           PSL v2 at:                           http://license.coscl.org.cn/MulanPSL2                           THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ON AN "AS IS" BASIS,                           WITHOUT WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS                           OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO                           NON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY OR FIT FOR A                           PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the Mulan PSL v2 for                           more details.
                           January 2020                               http://license.coscl.org.cn/MulanPSL2
                           Your reproduction, use, modification and                           distribution of the Software shall be subject                           to Mulan PSL v2 (this License) with the                           following terms and conditions:
                           0. Definition
                           Software means the program and related                           documents which are licensed under this                           License and comprise all Contribution(s).
                           Contribution means the copyrightable work                           licensed by a particular Contributor under                           this License.
                           Contributor means the Individual or Legal                           Entity who licenses its copyrightable work                           under this License.
                           Legal Entity means the entity making a                           Contribution and all its Affiliates.
                           Affiliates means entities that control, are                           controlled by, or are under common control                           with the acting entity under this License,                           ‘control’ means direct or indirect ownership                           of at least fifty percent (50%) of the voting                           power, capital or other securities of                           controlled or commonly controlled entity.
                           1. Grant of Copyright License
                           Subject to the terms and conditions of this                           License, each Contributor hereby grants to you                           a perpetual, worldwide, royalty-free,                           non-exclusive, irrevocable copyright license                           to reproduce, use, modify, or distribute its                           Contribution, with modification or not.
                           2. Grant of Patent License
                           Subject to the terms and conditions of this                           License, each Contributor hereby grants to you                           a perpetual, worldwide, royalty-free,                           non-exclusive, irrevocable (except for                           revocation under this Section) patent license                           to make, have made, use, offer for sale, sell,                           import or otherwise transfer its Contribution,                           where such patent license is only limited to                           the patent claims owned or controlled by such                           Contributor now or in future which will be                           necessarily infringed by its Contribution                           alone, or by combination of the Contribution                           with the Software to which the Contribution                           was contributed. The patent license shall not                           apply to any modification of the Contribution,                           and any other combination which includes the                           Contribution. If you or your Affiliates                           directly or indirectly institute patent                           litigation (including a cross claim or                           counterclaim in a litigation) or other patent                           enforcement activities against any individual                           or entity by alleging that the Software or any                           Contribution in it infringes patents, then any                           patent license granted to you under this                           License for the Software shall terminate as of                           the date such litigation or activity is filed                           or taken.
                           3. No Trademark License
                           No trademark license is granted to use the                           trade names, trademarks, service marks, or                           product names of Contributor, except as                           required to fulfill notice requirements in                           Section 4.
                           4. Distribution Restriction
                           You may distribute the Software in any medium                           with or without modification, whether in                           source or executable forms, provided that you                           provide recipients with a copy of this License                           and retain copyright, patent, trademark and                           disclaimer statements in the Software.
                           5. Disclaimer of Warranty and Limitation of                           Liability
                           6. Language
                           THIS LICENSE IS WRITTEN IN BOTH CHINESE AND                           ENGLISH, AND THE CHINESE VERSION AND ENGLISH                           VERSION SHALL HAVE THE SAME LEGAL EFFECT. IN                           THE CASE OF DIVERGENCE BETWEEN THE CHINESE AND                           ENGLISH VERSIONS, THE CHINESE VERSION SHALL                           PREVAIL.
                           END OF THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS
                           How to Apply the Mulan Permissive Software                           License,Version 2 (Mulan PSL v2) to Your                           Software
                           To apply the Mulan PSL v2 to your work, for                           easy identification by recipients, you are                           suggested to complete following three steps:
                           i Fill in the blanks in following statement,                           including insert your software name, the year                           of the first publication of your software, and                           your name identified as the copyright owner;
                           ii Create a file named “LICENSE” which                           contains the whole context of this License in                           the first directory of your software package;
                           iii Attach the statement to the appropriate                           annotated syntax at the beginning of each                           source file.
                           Copyright (c) [Year] [name of copyright                           holder] [Software Name] is licensed under                           Mulan PSL v2. You can use this software                           according to the terms and conditions of the                           Mulan PSL v2. You may obtain a copy of Mulan                           PSL v2 at:                           http://license.coscl.org.cn/MulanPSL2                           THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ON AN "AS IS" BASIS,                           WITHOUT WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS                           OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO                           NON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY OR FIT FOR A                           PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the Mulan PSL v2 for                           more details.
                         On 1/6/20 11:17                           PM, Zhou Minghui wrote:
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Dear all, 
We                                   have revised the Mulan PSL v2 based on                                   the suggestions from McCoy Smith.                                   Below is the submission for approval,                                   including the list of collected                                   suggestions (the suggestions for Mulan                                   PSL v1 + the suggestions from McCoy                                   Smith on the earlier version of Mulan                                   PSL v2), the modifications compared to                                   Mulan PSL v1, and the text of the                                   license. 
Please note:
1) The revised version is                                   still called Mulan PSL v2.
2) Mulan PSL v2 is not online yet                                 though I provided the hyperlink (http://license.coscl.org.cn/MulanPSL2). It will go public once                                 this version is finalized.
3) I didn’t use red color to                                 emphasize the modifications as what I                                 did in the earlier submission since it                                 may cause unnecessary misunderstanding.
Thank you,
Minghui ZHOU
Professor, Ph.D.
Department of Computer Science
Peking University
Type of submission:                                 Approval 
License name:                                 木兰宽松许可证,第2版(Mulan Permissive Software                                 License, Version 2) 
Short Identifier:                                 Mulan                                   PSL v2
List of suggestions:
We collected the suggestions                                 from the License Review Mailing List as                                 follows:
From:                                           Carlo Piana <carlo at piana.eu>
I have one observation                                         and one criticism.
The observation is that                                         this looks like a couple of                                         licenses like the BSD+patents.                                         While arguably the text is more                                         streamlined and modern, building                                         on the experience in licensing                                         that we have accrued since the                                         BSD times, I wonder if there is                                         such desperate need for yet                                         another license. Except perhaps                                         one in Chinese. 
The criticism is                                         founded on a long debated issue                                         about whether multi-language                                         licenses are a good idea. As you                                         know, GNU GPL family decided                                         that the only ever authoritative                                         version is the English one, and                                         I tend to agree with the                                         rationale underneath. It is                                         tremendously difficult to                                         exactly match the same meaning                                         across multiple languages, and                                         my experience in dissecting                                         legal instruments of the EU --                                         limiting to those few languages                                         I am reasonably confident                                         perusing -- is that it is very                                         difficult to find a single                                         meaning. Often one should find                                         it comparing different versions                                         and with the help of the                                         recitals, and yet it is very                                         difficult to reach a final                                         point. 
Moreover, you state in                                         your introduction that the rule                                         is (roughly) "either is                                         normative". But that rule is                                         nowhere expressed in the license                                         itself. I am afraid this would                                         then be totally left to the                                         local court, in case. Yet, a                                         license lives not only in court,                                         but also in the current                                         interpretation of those using                                         it, who would not have the                                         benefit of a third party picking                                         up one version or the other. 
Frankly, I see little                                         merit in creating confusion by                                         using two languages on equal                                         footing. On the other hand, the                                         fact that the license is                                         non-copyleft reduces the                                         concerns on possible negative                                         consequences. 
I wonder if those                                         concerns have also been tackled                                         in your legal analysis, and what                                         the answer were, in case. 
I totally love the name                                         of the license.
From:                                            Josh Berkus <josh at berkus.org>
I think Carlo was                                         arguing that this license should                                         state that the Chinese version                                         is authoritative.  Certainly                                         that would make sense to me. 
From:                                            Carlo <carlo at piana.eu>
Thanks Josh for                                         spotting the point. Pretty much                                         so. **One** version should be                                         authoritative, IMHO. Which one,                                         that's up to the author of the                                         license to decide. 
Suppose one contributor                                         picks the English and another,                                         for an unrelated project, the                                         Chinese, and the two differ                                         substantially due to a glitch in                                         the translation. And a third                                         party combines them. It's a                                         minor hiccup here, as it's no                                         copyleft, yet it's unnecessary                                         added entropy. Which one                                         applies? You would have two                                         inbound and most of all two                                         outbound
licenses in a                                         superstate, with the same name                                         and different legal                                         consequences. 
Again, not a big issue,                                         rather a matter of elegance and                                         "ecology". 
From:                                            Simon Phipps <webmink at opensource.org>
Please collect all the                                         suggestions the list offer and                                         then make a revised submission                                         with a new version number that                                         includes all the changes you                                         intend to make, with an                                         explanation of each change in                                         the submission email (ideally                                         with citations!). That way we                                         have a single email to refer to                                         in the final approval process. 
From:                                            Pamela Chestek <pamela at chesteklegal.com>
Would it be possible to                                         make one version authoritative                                         is some countries and the other                                         authoritative in the rest of the                                         world? You could says something                                         like "the Chinese version is the                                         official version in China, Hong                                         Kong, etc. and the English                                         version is the official version                                         in the other countries of the                                         world." If you said that the                                         Chinese version was                                         authoritative everywhere, and                                         then litigate the license in the                                         US, the Chinese version will                                         need to be translated to                                         English. You might then end up                                         with a /different/ translation                                         than the version written in                                         English. 
But you would want it                                         very clear how it was divided. I                                         would not say something like                                         "Chinese-speaking countries"                                         because then you get into                                         arguments about what that means                                         - is the United States a                                         Chinese-speaking country because                                         it has a sizable                                         Chinese-speaking population? (We                                         have no official language in the                                         United States.) 
Just suggesting it -                                         does this create problems I'm                                         not seeing? 
From:                                            Simon Phipps <simon at webmink.com>
Wouldn't the copyright                                         holder's preference be the best                                         selection? Given the two                                         versions are essentially                                         equivalent it doesn't matter                                         which is selected as long as one                                         is. 
So maybe change the                                         usage instructions to include a                                         statement of which language is                                         normative, then change the                                         license text to state Chinese is                                         normative unless otherwise                                         specified in the copyright                                         statement in the source code, so                                         there's a default. 
From:                                            Pamela Chestek <pamela at chesteklegal.com>
Hmm, except that it                                         gets sticky where each                                         individual contributor to the                                         same project chooses                                         differently. That would be                                         impossible to sort out in a                                         lawsuit. 
So I'm back to just                                         picking Chinese as the                                         controlling language. 
This demonstrates why                                         it's so hard to write a good                                         license and why they can get                                         very lengthy. 
From:                                            Josh Berkus <josh at berkus.org>
Do we have someone in                                         the OSI who can review the                                         Chinese language license?
From:                                            Simon Phipps <webmink at opensource.org>
Our process requires                                         that a notarised English                                         translation is provided for                                         review. In this case                                         certification that the English                                         version is legally equivalent                                         would be sufficient, which we                                         can probably assume from the                                         status of the submitter. 
Note that making a                                         single version normative (if                                         that is what the submitter                                         chooses to do) merely indicates                                         that where there is disputed                                         interpretation during litigation                                         of otherwise equivalent texts,                                         the normative version is used by                                         the court. It should not affect                                         our deliberations about the                                         overall license if both versions                                         are certified equivalent. 
From: "McCoy Smith"                                            <mccoy at lexpan.law>
A few comments on this                                         submission; sorry I didn’t get                                         comments in on prior iterations:
This looks like a                                         variant on Apache, so my initial                                         question on this was why not                                         translate Apache into Chinese,                                         and have that be the                                         authoritative version?  However,                                         there are some substantive                                         differences here with Apache, so                                         that proposition would not make                                         sense if the goal is to achieve                                         some improvements or variants to                                         canonical Apache, as well as to                                         have an authoritative native                                         Chinese language license.  The                                         substantive differences do raise                                         questions in my mind though                                         (note that some of these may be                                         the result of translation from                                         Chinese to English, so perhaps                                         some clarity in the                                         English-translated submission is                                         required rather than changes to                                         the license text itself):
“Software means the                                         program and related documents                                         which are comprised of those                                         Contribution and licensed under                                         this License.”
The grammar, in                                         English, of this definition is                                         awkward.  It probably should                                         say:
“’Software’ means the                                         program and related documents                                         which comprise all Contributions                                         licensed under this License.”
“Affiliates means                                         entities that control, or are                                         controlled by, or are under                                         common control with a party to                                         this License, ‘control’ means                                         direct or indirect ownership of                                         at least fifty percent (50%) of                                         the voting power, capital or                                         other securities of controlled                                         or commonly controlled entity.”
I think you may not                                         want use the term “party” here,                                         as it would apply both to the                                         entity/person giving the grant                                         (licensor), and the                                         entities/persons receiving the                                         grant (licensee).  This looks                                         like it is styled to be a “bare                                         license” (vs a contract), in                                         which case use of “party” here                                         could be construed as an effort                                         to make binding obligations that                                         go in both ways (vs having all                                         terms merely be conditions upon                                         the grant of the licenses).  If                                         your intent is to have this be                                         interpreted as a contract, for                                         which both parties (licensor and                                         licensee) are agreeing to                                         obligations, you might want to                                         clarify what is the binding                                         obligation of the licensee                                         (entity receiving the grant) to                                         the licensor (entity giving the                                         grant), particularly what                                         obligations you believe                                         Affiliates of the licensee                                         should be bound to.
“2. Grant of Patent                                         License
*** where such patent                                         license is only limited to the                                         patent claims owned or                                         controlled by such Contributor                                         now or in future which will be                                         necessarily infringed by its                                         Contribution alone, or by                                         combination of the Contribution                                         with the Software to which the                                         Contribution was contributed,                                         excluding of any patent claims                                         solely be infringed by your or                                         others’ modification or other                                         combinations.”
The grammar, in                                         English, of the last part of                                         that statement is awkward.  I’d                                         suggest you just use the                                         language straight out of, e.g.,                                         Eclipse:
“The patent license                                         shall not apply to any other                                         combinations which include the                                         Contribution.”
In addition:
“If you or your                                         Affiliates directly or                                         indirectly (including through an                                         agent, patent licensee or                                         assignee), institute patent                                         litigation (including a cross                                         claim or counterclaim in a                                         litigation) or other patent                                         enforcement activities against                                         any individual or entity by                                         alleging that the Software or                                         any Contribution in it infringes                                         patents, then any patent license                                         granted to you under this                                         License for the Software shall                                         terminate as of the date such                                         litigation or activity is filed                                         or taken.”
The parenthetical here                                         is potentially highly                                         problematic, as it doesn’t limit                                         what sort of “agent,” “patent                                         licensee” or “assignee” to which                                         it applies.  I think you intend                                         here to indicate an “agent,                                         patent licensee or assignee”                                         *which has been granted the                                         right to institute patent                                         litigation using a Contributor’s                                         patent that is claimed to be                                         infringed by the Software.*  If                                         that is the case, it should be                                         made clear. Otherwise, it – as                                         written – would cover a                                         non-exclusive licensee of a                                         general corporate patent                                         cross-license who asserts a                                         patent claim against the                                         Software based on a patent that                                         that non-exclusive licensee                                         developed independent of the                                         Contributor.  The same would                                         apply to “agent” and “assignee”                                         (although in that case, an agent                                         for any purpose might be                                         potentially implicated).  If you                                         did intend the defensive                                         suspension claim to be that                                         broad in scope, I don’t think it                                         violates the OSD, but it likely                                         means that many entities will                                         not wish to use the license, as                                         any contractual relation it                                         enters into with other entities                                         that could be characterized as                                         agency or assignment (or the                                         granting of any sort of patent                                         license) means that their                                         continued use of software is at                                         risk based on independent                                         actions of those parties using                                         their own patents.
5. Disclaimer of                                         Warranty and Limitation of                                         Liability
The Software and                                         Contribution in it are provided                                         without warranties of any kind,                                         either express or implied. In no                                         event shall any Contributor or                                         copyright holder be liable to                                         you for any damages, including,                                         but not limited to any direct,                                         or indirect, special or                                         consequential damages arising                                         from your use or inability to                                         use the Software or the                                         Contribution in it, no matter                                         how it’s caused or based on                                         which legal theory, even if                                         advised of the possibility of                                         such damages.”
Since you’re already                                         using red to highlight the                                         “Language” clause, I’d suggest                                         you might want to do that for                                         the “Disclaimer of Warranty and                                         Limitation of Liability,” as (at                                         least in the USA), making such                                         disclaimers “conspicuous” (for                                         example, using a different                                         color, or a box, or ALL CAPS)                                         can be considered required for                                         it to be effective (https://mjlr.org/2015/09/19/out-of-sight-out-of-mind-hidden-disclaimers-and-ucc-%C2%A7-2-316s-conspicuousness-requirement/)
Nota bene:  My friend                                         Carlo compared this license to                                         “BSD+Patents”; I’ve gotten to                                         the point where I now tend to                                         include a parenthetical because                                         of the confusion between                                         “BSD+Patents” (plural, the                                         license that Facebook used for a                                         short time with react.js but                                         later stopped using because of                                         negative reaction to the patent                                         defensive suspension clause) and                                         “BSD+Patent” (singular, the                                         OSI-approved license, that does                                         not even have a patent defensive                                         suspension clause because it is                                         designed to be GPLv2                                         compatible).?  Remember that the                                         “singular” license is the OSI                                         approved, GPLv2 compatible one!
?That license was                                         written and submitted by me on                                         behalf of my prior employer so I                                         feel some duty to continue to                                         point out this clarification….
Modification                                   (compared to Mulan PSL v1):
1. Carlo Piana raised the                                 concern about multiple language, i.e.,                                 we provide both Chinese and English                                 versions for Mulan PSL v1, but what if                                 there is disputed interpretation between                                 both versions? Based on the suggestions                                 from Carlo Piana, Josh Berkus, Simon                                 Phipps and Pamela Chestek,                               we have added a                                 statement in the license terms, stating                                 that while there is any conflict between                                 the Chinese version and the English                                 version, the Chinese version prevails.                               
6. 语言
6.  Language
THIS                                 LICENSE IS WRITTEN IN BOTH CHINESE AND                                 ENGLISH, AND THE CHINESE VERSION AND                                 ENGLISH VERSION SHALL HAVE THE SAME                                 LEGAL EFFECT. IN THE CASE OF DIVERGENCE                                 BETWEEN THE CHINESE AND ENGLISH                                 VERSIONS, THE CHINESE VERSION SHALL                                 PREVAIL.
 2. McCoy Smith pointed out                                 that some of the expressions in the                                 English version of Mulan PSL v1 may not                                 be very consistent with the language                                 conventions, we have revised some                                 sentences in the English version.
original:                               Software means the program and related                                 documents which are comprised of those                                 Contribution and licensed under this                                 License.
modified:                               Software means the program and related                                 documents which are licensed under this                                 License and comprise all                                 Contribution(s).
original:                                 …, excluding                                 of any patent claims solely be infringed                                 by your or others’ modification or other                                 combinations.
modified:                               The patent license shall not apply                                 to any modification of the Contribution,                                 and any other combination which includes                                 the Contribution.
3. To reduce ambiguity,                                 “party” is replaced with “acting entity”                                 as suggested by McCoy Smith.
Affiliates means entities that control,                                 are controlled by, or are under common                                 control with the acting entity under                                 this License, ‘control’ means direct or                                 indirect ownership of at least fifty                                 percent (50%) of the voting power,                                 capital or other securities of                                 controlled or commonly controlled                                 entity.
4. McCoy Smith pointed out                                 that the parentheses here is potentially                                 problematic, “If you or your Affiliates                                 directly or indirectly (including                                 through an agent, patent licensee or                                 assignee), institute patent                                 litigation...”. Such description has                                 been deleted for clarity.
If                                 you or your Affiliates directly or                                 indirectly institute patent litigation                                 (including a cross claim or counterclaim                                 in a litigation) or other patent                                 enforcement activities against any                                 individual or entity by alleging that                                 the Software or any Contribution in it                                 infringes patents, then any patent                                 license granted to you under this                                 License for the Software shall terminate                                 as of the date such litigation or                                 activity is filed or taken.
5. Based on the suggestions                                 made by McCoy Smith, we have capitalized                                 the “Disclaimer of Warranty and                                 Limitation of Liability” clause to make                                 it conspicuous and effective.
5.                                  免责声明与责任限制                                  
“软件”及其中的“贡献”在提供时不带任何明示或默示的担保。在任何情况下,“贡献者”或版权所有者不对任何人因使用“软件”或  其中的“贡献”而引发的任何直接或间接损失承担责任,不论因何种原因导致或者基于何种法律理论,即使其曾被建议有此种损失的可能性。                                   
 5.                                    Disclaimer                                     of Warranty and Limitation of                                     Liability
THE                                 SOFTWARE AND CONTRIBUTION IN IT ARE                                 PROVIDED WITHOUT WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND,                                 EITHER EXPRESS OR  IMPLIED. IN NO EVENT                                 SHALL ANY CONTRIBUTOR OR COPYRIGHT                                 HOLDER BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR ANY DAMAGES,                                 INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY                                 DIRECT, OR INDIRECT, SPECIAL OR                                 CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING FROM YOUR                                 USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE SOFTWARE OR                                 THE CONTRIBUTION IN IT, NO MATTER HOW                                 IT’S CAUSED OR BASED ON WHICH LEGAL                                 THEORY, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE                                 POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES.
1. Mulan PSL v2 is expressed                                 in both Chinese and English, which have                                 the same legal effect. It is convenient                                 for open source participants to read and                                 use.                               
2. In order to solve the                                 existing litigation problems, Mulan PSL                                 v2 clarifies the authorization of                                 copyright, patent and trademark, and                                 provides better legal protection.                               
3. For the sake of                                 simplicity and understandability, Mulan                                 PSL v2 was revised jointly by technical                                 experts and legal experts to simplify                                 the terms and optimize the expression as                                 much as possible on the premise of                                 clarifying the behavior constraints of                                 both parties in the License. Mulan PSL                                 v2 is easy for users to follow.
Distinguish                                   (from other OSI-approved permissive                                   licenses):
Mulan PSL v2 differs from                                 BSD 3-clause License and Apache License                                 V2.0 in terms of statement obligation,                                 copyright license, patent license and                                 patent retaliation.
1. Statement obligation.                                 Mulan PSL v2 only requires that the                                 licensed software to be distributed with                                 a copy of this License and copyright,                                 patent, trademark and disclaimer                                 statements in the software.
2. Copyright license.                                 Original licensor, subsequent                                 contributor, and Affiliates of those                                 licensors provide the Copyright license.
3. Patent license.                                 Original licensor, subsequent                                   contributor, and Affiliates of those                                   licensors provide the patent license.
4. Patent retaliation: If a                                 user or its Affiliates directly or                                 indirectly institute patent litigation                                 (including a cross claim or counterclaim                                 in a litigation) or other patent                                 enforcement activities against any                                 individual or entity by alleging that                                 the Software or any Contribution in it                                 infringes patents, then any patent                                 license granted to the user or its                                 Affiliates under this License for the                                 Software shall terminate as of the date                                 such litigation or activity is filed or                                 taken. 
A comparison to existing OSS                                 licenses and clauses, is attached to                                 this submission as a license commentary.
Mulan PSL v2
BSD 3-Clause                                         License
Apache License                                         V2.0
ü                                        Commercial use                                       
ü                                        Commercial use 
ü                                        Commercial use                                        
ü                                        Modification  
ü                                        Modification
ü                                        Modification
ü                                        Distribution
ü                                        Distribution 
ü                                        Distribution 
ü                                        Private use  
ü                                        Private use  
ü                                        Private use  
ü                                        Patent license                                         from all code licensors and                                         their affiliates
ü                                        Patent license                                         from subsequent contributors and                                         their affiliates and original                                         licensor
û  Liability  
û  Liability  
û  Liability  
û  Warranty  
û  Warranty  
û  Warranty  
û  Trademark use 
û  Trademark use 
!  License and                                         copyright notice when                                         distribution
!  License and                                         copyright notice when                                         distribution
!  License and                                         copyright notice when                                         distribution
!  User's patent                                         license automatically terminates                                         when such user directly or                                         indirectly enforces its patents                                         on the work
!  User's patent                                         license automatically terminates                                         when such user sues infringement                                         of its patents on the work
!  State changes
Legal                                   Review:
Mulan PSL v2 was drafted by                                 software experts and lawyers from                                 colleges, research institutions,                                 enterprises and open source communities.                                 It has been reviewed by lawyers                                 specialized in the field of intellectual                                 property and open source software.
Both                                 the Chinese and English versions of                                 Mulan PSL v2 have the same legal effect.                                 Users can select the appropriate version                                 in their jurisdiction. In the event of                                 conflicts between the Chinese version                                 and English version, the Chinese version                                 shall prevail. Mulan PSL v2 meets OSI’s                                 definition of “Open Source” of OSI and                                 OSI’s requirements. The rationale of the                                 license is to create a license with easy                                 compliance, better compatibility,                                 comprehensive patent protection, and                                 Chinese (not just English) friendly. 
License                                   proliferation category:                                 
Licenses that are popular                                 and widely used or with strong                                 communities
Mulan PSL v1 has been widely                                 used in China open source community,                                 here is a list of projects licensed                                 under Mulan PSL v1:
Text                                   of the license:
木兰宽松许可证, 第2版                                     
2020年1月                                   http://license.coscl.org.cn/MulanPSL2
0.    定义
1.    授予版权许可
2.  授予专利许可
3.  无商标许可
4.  分发限制
5.  免责声明与责任限制  
6.  语言
1,                                  请您补充如下声明中的  白,包括软件名、软件的首次发表年份以及您作为版权人的名字;
2,                                  请您在软件包的一级目录下创建以“LICENSE”为名的文件,将整个许可证文本放入该文件中;
3,                                     请将如下声明文本放入每个源文件的头部注释中。
Mulan Permissive                                   Software License,Version 2 (Mulan PSL v2)
January 2020  http://license.coscl.org.cn/MulanPSL2
Your                                     reproduction, use, modification and                                     distribution of the Software shall                                     be subject to Mulan PSL v2 (this                                     License) with the following terms                                     and conditions: 
0. Definition
Software                                     means the program and related                                     documents which are licensed under                                     this License and comprise all                                     Contribution(s).                                 
Contribution means the                                   copyrightable work licensed by a                                   particular Contributor under this                                   License.
Contributor means the                                   Individual or Legal Entity who                                   licenses its copyrightable work under                                   this License.
Legal Entity means the entity making                                       a Contribution and all its                                       Affiliates.
Affiliates                                     means entities that control, are                                     controlled by, or are under common                                     control with the acting entity under                                     this License, ‘control’ means direct                                     or indirect ownership of at least                                     fifty percent (50%) of the voting                                     power, capital or other securities                                     of controlled or commonly controlled                                     entity.
1. Grant of Copyright                                     License
Subject to the terms and                                   conditions of this License, each                                   Contributor hereby grants to you a                                   perpetual, worldwide, royalty-free,                                   non-exclusive, irrevocable copyright                                   license to reproduce, use, modify, or                                   distribute its Contribution, with                                   modification or not.
2. Grant of Patent License                                   
Subject to the terms and                                   conditions of this License, each                                   Contributor hereby grants to you a                                   perpetual, worldwide, royalty-free,                                   non-exclusive, irrevocable (except for                                   revocation under this Section) patent                                   license to make, have made, use, offer                                   for sale, sell, import or otherwise                                   transfer its Contribution, where such                                   patent license is only limited to the                                   patent claims owned or controlled by                                   such Contributor now or in future                                   which will be necessarily infringed by                                   its Contribution alone, or by                                   combination of the Contribution with                                   the Software to which the Contribution                                   was contributed.                                   The patent                                     license shall not apply to any                                     modification of the Contribution,                                     and any other combination which                                     includes the Contribution.                                     If you or your Affiliates directly                                     or indirectly institute patent                                     litigation (including a cross claim                                     or counterclaim in a litigation) or                                     other patent enforcement activities                                     against any individual or entity by                                     alleging that the Software or any                                     Contribution in it infringes                                     patents, then any patent license                                     granted to you under this License                                     for the Software shall terminate as                                     of the date such litigation or                                     activity is filed or taken.
3.                                        No Trademark License
No trademark license is                                   granted to use the trade names,                                   trademarks, service marks, or product                                   names of Contributor, except as                                   required to fulfill notice                                   requirements in Section 4.
4. Distribution Restriction
You may distribute the                                   Software in any medium with or without                                   modification,                                   whether in source or                                   executable forms, provided that you                                   provide recipients with a copy of this                                   License and retain copyright, patent,                                   trademark and disclaimer statements in                                   the Software.
5. Disclaimer of Warranty                                       and Limitation of Liability
THE SOFTWARE                                     AND CONTRIBUTION IN IT ARE PROVIDED                                     WITHOUT WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND,                                     EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. IN NO                                     EVENT SHALL ANY CONTRIBUTOR OR                                     COPYRIGHT HOLDER BE LIABLE TO YOU                                     FOR ANY DAMAGES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT                                     LIMITED TO ANY DIRECT, OR INDIRECT,                                     SPECIAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES                                     ARISING FROM YOUR USE OR INABILITY                                     TO USE THE SOFTWARE OR THE                                     CONTRIBUTION IN IT, NO MATTER HOW                                     IT’S CAUSED OR BASED ON WHICH LEGAL                                     THEORY, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE                                     POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES.
6. Language
THIS LICENSE IS WRITTEN IN                                   BOTH CHINESE AND ENGLISH, AND THE                                   CHINESE VERSION AND ENGLISH VERSION                                   SHALL HAVE THE SAME LEGAL EFFECT.                                   IN THE CASE                                     OF DIVERGENCE BETWEEN THE CHINESE                                     AND ENGLISH VERSIONS, THE CHINESE                                     VERSION SHALL PREVAIL.
END OF THE TERMS AND                                     CONDITIONS
How to Apply the Mulan                                       Permissive Software License,Version 2                                     (Mulan PSL v2) to Your Software
To apply the Mulan PSL v2 to                                   your work, for easy identification by                                   recipients, you are suggested to                                   complete following three steps:
i Fill in the blanks in                                   following statement, including insert                                   your software name, the year of the                                   first publication of your software,                                   and your name identified as the                                   copyright owner;                                 
ii Create a file named                                   “LICENSE” which contains the whole                                   context of this License in the first                                   directory of your software package;
iii Attach the statement to                                   the appropriate annotated syntax at                                   the beginning of each source file.

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