[License-review] Submission of the Upstream Compatibility License v1.0 (UCL-1.0) for approval

Dirk Riehle dirk at riehle.org
Tue Oct 25 13:17:40 UTC 2016


> To provide developers wishing to open source an existing closed source product
> with an Open Source license that is Copyleft for downstream developers and
> Permissive for upstream developers
> This provides the author(s) of the original work(s) the benefits of a copyleft
> release while retaining the ability to freely reuse downstream modifications in
> their original product without needing to manage Contributor License Agreements
> or maintain control of the open source project.

I like the intent (as another tool in a company's toolchest) but I also don't 
see how this license won't be non-discriminatory towards different licensees.

Please note that "benefits of copyleft" here means something else than what 
most would view as the benefits (i.e. original intent). The original intent 
was to ensure that "software stayed free" while the intent here (I'm assuming) 
is to discourage use in commercial closed source software products (except for 
the original creators) (in line with the single vendor open source business 

Looking forward to a legal opinion on the non-discrimination part...


Website: http://dirkriehle.com - Twitter: @dirkriehle
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