[License-review] Approval request for a New MIT license
Vipin Kumar
Vipin.Kumar at optimalpayments.com
Tue Nov 4 16:49:00 UTC 2014
I apologize for the delay in getting back to you: the last email somehow landed in my junk /spam box (I don’t know why); so I just saw it while cleaning my emails . I have now added this email address as "safe sender".
We are not looking to create another type of license / category , but really want to publish our SDK / software under an MIT license; and hence seeking the approval from the OSI review committee (or is it a license type which is pre-approved to be used as long as we use the text from the OSI website?).
Why do we want to use an MIT license type? --> per our research, almost ALL of our competitors ( companies in the same domain, offering the same type of APIs and SDKs for their services) open source the SDKs/ software under MIT license (See Examples below).
Many other companies in other domains also open source their software under MIT license type. We don’t want to be /do any different, nor do we want to go through a process for any new license type (why re-invent the wheel).
Therefore, Can you please confirm:
1. Whether we can open-source our software under an MIT license , like many others (examples I provided)? MIT appears in the list of OSI-Approved Licenses.
2. Is there an approval needed from OSI or is it a license type which is OSI pre-approved for us to publish our code as open source, as long as we use the text prescribed for the same on OSI website? I see in the FAQ page on OSI site (link<http://opensource.org/faq#which-license>, see below), that we are free to use MIT as an OSI approved license, and it doesn't need any approval process from OSI, but just wanted to confirm.
1. Company: Stripe Inc. ; link to their SDK under MIT --> https://github.com/stripe/stripe-ruby/blob/master/LICENSE
2. Company: Braintree ; link to their SDK under MIT --> https://github.com/braintree/braintree_java/blob/master/LICENSE
3. Company: Beanstream ; link to their SDK under MIT --> https://github.com/Beanstream-DRWP/beanstream-java/blob/master/LICENSE
4. Company Dropbox ; link to their SDK under MIT --> https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dropbox/dropbox-sdk-php/master/License.txt
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Thanks & Regards,
Vipin Kumar
Vipin Kumar
Product Manager
Tel: 514-380-2752
Fax: 514-380-2760
Email: Vipin.Kumar at OptimalPayments.com<mailto:Vipin.Kumar at OptimalPayments.com>
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-----Original Message-----
From: Thorsten Glaser [mailto:tg at mirbsd.de]
Sent: October-22-14 2:23 PM
To: Vipin Kumar
Cc: License submissions for OSI review
Subject: RE: [License-review] Approval request for a New MIT license
Vipin Kumar dixit:
>I am not sure I understood entirely your message below, but we want to
>apply for a new MIT open source license for our SDKs (software
Yes, but: why?
There are enough licences out there already. Every new one means lots of effort (look for the keyword “licence proliferation” e.g.
on the OSI site).
I can’t really say, mind you, being that I wrote The MirOS Licence.
(But I published requirements for a lawyer-written successor.) I wouldn’t write a new licence these days any more either.
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