[License-review] Concerning: For Approval: Scripting Free Software License, Version 1.3.5 (S-FSL v1.3.5)

Elmar Stellnberger estellnb at gmail.com
Thu Nov 7 16:03:57 UTC 2013

Dear Moderator of the OSI license review list,

   After having sent you the original messages in the forenoon I have 
re-sent you exactly the same messages in the afternoon preceded by the 
following line:

"resending since the original message did not seem to reach you:"

Then they got suddenly posted all together within a few minutes.
Could you please delete the duplicate messages from the list so that 
people are not unnecessarily hindered from reading the discussion?
Also it would be nice if you could sort the last two messages in correctly.
The messages sent today are as a whole replies to singleton preceding 
messages starting with the line

In Reply To: FirstName Name

They likely did not get sorted in correctly because they are manual 
replies. The subscription to the mailing list did not work in the first 
place though I had a confirm mail and believed to have opened the link 
to confirm correctly.

Sorry for the inconvenience,
Elmar Stellnberger

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