[License-review] Svoboda for Approval

Gregor Pintar grpintar at gmail.com
Mon May 21 18:08:54 UTC 2012

It is very diffrent:
"Permission is granted to anyone to modify or remove this notices and authors."
"The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
in all copies or substantial portions of the Software."

There is no OSI approved license, that would allow modifying or removing
all copyright and other notices.

Gregor Pintar

2012/5/21, Tom Callaway <tcallawa at redhat.com>:
> On 05/21/2012 01:42 PM, Gregor Pintar wrote:
>> It is composed from parts of well known licenses like ISC, MirOS and
>> zlib.
> Why exactly are you doing this? Why not use one of those "well known
> licenses"? I mean, the license you post above is effectively the same
> thing as the common MIT variant, just worded slightly differently, and
> merely contributes to license proliferation.
> Licenses are like volatile chemicals, mixing them is rarely advised, and
> should be left to experts (e.g. lawyers).
> If you must do this, at least state the problem you're trying to address
> that isn't already addressed by an OSI license. Heck, I'd argue that
> step should be a mandatory prerequisite for _any_ new license submission
> at this point.
> ~tom
> ==
> Fedora Project

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