The Python licensing situation.

Lindberg, Van Van.Lindberg at
Tue Jun 7 20:09:40 UTC 2011

I believe it is the second case. I am almost certain the beta license was not submitted. 

Sorry for the top post; on a phone. 

Van Lindberg

On Jun 7, 2011, at 3:07 PM, "Karl Fogel" <kfogel at> wrote:

> "Lindberg, Van" <Van.Lindberg at> writes:
>>> In [3] below, Van proposes a upgrade to the CNRI portion of the
>>> Python-2.0 license (so this would be in Python-2.1).  The changes are
>>> mainly about making it GPL-compatible.  They're actually a bit
>>> interesting, but I don't want to go into them here, because there's a
>>> larger question first:
>>> In, OSI *already has* the
>>> proposed CNRI 1.6.1 (GPL-compatible) text.  So it appears OSI has
>>> already approved this, or else there is a clerical error.  Does anyone
>>> know more about this?
>> There *is* a clerical error - the version that was picked up and
>> mirrored was the beta version of the license. This proposal is to 1)
>> fix the clerical error, and 2) update the naming so that it is
>> unambiguous.
> So the version that was picked up and posted by OSI is one that PSF had
> never officially released, and that now PSF is attempting to fix the
> situation by just releasing it?
> I'm still not clear on whether OSI actually approved the unreleased
> beta, or whether we approved something else but then pasted the wrong
> (unapproved) text into our own site's page.  I realize that's a question
> more for OSI people to answer, but if you happen to know the answer,
> Van, please let me know.
> Thanks,
> -Karl
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