Legacy Approval - CodeIgniter License Agreement

Matthew Flaschen matthew.flaschen at gatech.edu
Sun Oct 24 23:02:41 UTC 2010

John Cowan wrote:
> Bojan Sudarevi�? scripsit:
>> I'm asking (as a interested licensee) for a review and legacy approval of the
>> "CodeIgniter License Agreement", under which popular and widely used
>> CodeIgniter PHP framework is licensed. According to EllisLab, Inc.
>> (CodeIgniter's developer), it is an open source license.
> This is plainly Open Source and is basically a 3-clause BSD except for
> the indemnity clause.

No, point 5 is similar to the advertising clause of 4-clause BSD, which
has never been approved.  I don't see why this should be approved now.

Matt Flaschen

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