[OT] RE: MPL 2 section 11

John Cowan cowan at mercury.ccil.org
Wed Nov 24 19:00:29 UTC 2010

Lawrence Rosen scripsit:

> As for (a), I vaguely remember an ethics class I took that suggested
> that a lawyer's objective is not to be loved, but to represent the
> law and the client.

Quite so.  However, the client's objective often *is* to be loved,
or at least not to be hated.  It's hard to make money if you are
universally known as "Lord Foul the Despiser, Breaker of Open Source".

John Cowan  http://ccil.org/~cowan  cowan at ccil.org
All "isms" should be "wasms".   --Abbie

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