MPL 2 section 11

Schmitz, Patrice-Emmanuel patrice-emmanuel.schmitz at
Wed Nov 24 10:44:18 UTC 2010

> > Lawrence Rosen scripsit:
> > "We" is the set of folks who receive open source software under color of
> > an OSI-approved license. Every one of us has the right to *combine* that
> > software with any other software we own or license, and to pass that
> > combined software on to our friends. 
> > We don't need the MPL's or the GPL's special permission to do so.

> John Cowan scripsit: 
> So you believe, and so I believe also.  But it's not prudent to act on
> that.

[Schmitz, Patrice-Emmanuel] 
This is very interesting! It looks like the debate between the "pragmatist" and the lawyer (or "legalist") that is simulated in the EOLE paper on EUPL interoperability (page 7):
If Larry (who is lawyer) is right, I am wrong in recommending prudence (like John does, but most lawyers currently do so: I discussed it with Philippe Laurent) because of a de-facto "Freedom Software Alliance"* between F/OSS licensors! Beyond the specific MPL case, clarifying that point would be a great service to FLOSS communities (removing a lot of "legal FUD")!

* joke: this reminds me the "Business Software Alliance" :-)
Patrice-Emmanuel Schmitz
legal expert,    

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