MPL 2 section 11
Luis Villa
lvilla at
Tue Nov 23 03:02:55 UTC 2010
On 11/22/10 4:10 PM, Wilson, Andrew wrote:
> Luis Villa wrote
>> On 11/22/10 2:43 PM, Bruce Perens wrote:
>>> There will be little point in saying something is "MPL 2" because of the
>>> infinite number of appedici which can be added to modify the license.
>> Could you clarify here, Bruce? I count only two such, aside from the
>> permission to make entirely new licenses.
> I count four variants: no Ex. A permissions at all, LGPL only, GPL only,
> and GPL+LGPL.
Ah. It is actually worse than that, given all the various "or laters".
But it is better than that too; see below.
> My question, to which Bruce was responding, is how compatible these
> four variants are with each other.
They're all compatible, because Sec. 11's compatibility clause creates
compatibility regardless of which Secondary Licenses a given file has
previously been distributed under.
File A: licensed under MPL + compatibility language.
Work B: licensed under GPL 3-only.
Work C: licensed under GPL 2-only.
Distributor X combines File A with Work B and distributes Work B
(including File A) to Distributor Y.
Distributor Y wishes to distribute the File A (as received from
Distributor X) in combination with Work C.
Y can distribute File A by complying with the grants and requirements of
GPL 3, MPL+compatibility language, or both.
If Distributor Y chooses GPL3-only, Y has a problem; they can't
distribute in combination with Work C (under traditional interpretations
of GPL.) Of course, this is also a problem in traditional dual-license
Distributor Y can instead choose to distribute under the permissions of
MPL+compatibility language. Since MPL+compatibility language allows it,
Y can combine with the GPL2-only Work C and distribute the resulting work.
If Y chooses "both", that is also acceptable; a recipient of Work C from
Y will get File A under MPL+compatibility clause+GPL2+GPL3. Further
hypothetical recipients could (if necessary) add LGPL, strip it back to
"just" MPL+LGPL, etc., as long as MPL is maintained.
The key here is that, unlike in a dual/tri-licensing setup, you can't
strip or alter the compatibility clause as long as MPL is present. So
really, you don't have a plethora of licenses (MPL+GPL, MPL+LGPL, etc.):
you have two, MPL+compatibility, and MPL-without. By building
compatibility into the MPL itself, rather than using multi-licensing, I
believe that we've increased compatibility and decreased fragmentation
when compared to the situation with MPL 1.1 + multi-licensing.
Note that this analysis does not address any questions about the scope
or breadth of GPL, but I believe that those problems are similar under
both traditional multi-licensing approaches and our approach in Section
11, so I don't think they should have any bearing on the acceptability
of our approach.
Luis Villa, Mozilla Legal
work email: lvilla at (preferred)
work phone: 650-903-0800 x327
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