MPL 2 section 11

Wilson, Andrew andrew.wilson at
Mon Nov 22 22:15:05 UTC 2010

Lawrence Rosen wrote:

> This is the optional notice that MPL 2 (Alpha 3) specifies in Exhibit A:
>    Pursuant to Section 11, this file may be distributed as part of a
>    Larger Work licensed under the GPL or LGPL.
> You don't need Section 11 to make that Exhibit A statement true. Apparently
> you do need FSF's blessing on it, however, since their opinion carries much
> weight here.

You certainly don't /need/ FSF's blessing for your license -- but I'd think you'd very
much want them to put MPL 2 with Ex. A permissions on their list of "compatible" licenses,
if the intent is to replace the Mozilla tri-license
(which is incontrovertibly GPL-compatible by dint of, well, being GPL-licensed
in addition to MPL and LGPL-licensed).

Andy Wilson
Intel open source technology center

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