Mozilla Public License 2 Alpha 3; request for early review prior to formal submission for approval

John Cowan cowan at
Sat Nov 20 00:51:23 UTC 2010

Wilson, Andrew scripsit:

> Sorry, but in this scenario I clearly posit the case where Bob
> creates not simply an archive but a linked executable
> which is distributed under GPL, thus triggering GPL
> requirements to release the complete corresponding source
> under GPL.  (to Carol)

Nobody takes that seriously.  Indeed, it's not clear that it's
even legally possible without making copyrightable modifications
to files with permissive licenses.

A few times, I did some exuberant stomping about,       John Cowan
like a hippo auditioning for Riverdance, though         cowan at
I stopped when I thought I heard something at 
the far side of the room falling over in rhythm
with my feet.  --Joseph Zitt

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