Question and review (Was: Re: Request - University Jaume I License.)

Rick Moen rick at
Sun Jun 8 20:10:39 UTC 2008

Quoting Lawrence Rosen (lrosen at

> precatory
> adj. referring to a wish or advisory suggestion which does not have the
> force of a demand or a request which under the law must be obeyed. Thus
> "precatory words" in a will or trust would express a "hope that my daughter
> will keep the house in the family," but do not absolutely prevent her from
> selling it.

Maybe I'm too easily amused, today, but I note that the word is from the
Latin "precari", meaning "to pray".

Cheers,           "I don't like country music, but I don't mean to denigrate
Rick Moen         those who do.  And, for the people who like country music,
rick at         denigrate means 'put down'."      -- Bob Newhart

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