<div dir="ltr">Hey everybody,<br><br>I'm working on an open source stock simulation web app. I plan to have a version available for a small amount of users (where accounts are administered by 1 person), and a portal version (where lots of people can register themselves).<br>
<br>I plan to have the portal version as one of my websites, so that people can come register and try it out, so my question is: <b>how can I prevent people from</b> taking the portal code, and making their own stock portals,<b> then charging people to use it?</b> Is licensing the portal code under the GPL enough, or do I need to do something else? Basically, I don't want (for example) Yahoo taking my code, and making a product out of it without my permission.<br>
<br>Thanks in advance,<br>Daniil K.<br></div>