I guess I have one other concern about the license cohort bit.<br><br>There is a question where and when a license would need to be submitted as a prospective cohort member rather than as a full and separate license. For example, Mr Rosen's AFL
3.0 would seem to be eligible for cohort membership, so should future versions of that license go there?<br><br>The concern is that I feel that the current aproach of license categorization serves neither developers nor the cause of controlling license proliferation well. It recommends licenses based on popularity rather than functional elements. Thus:
<br>1) The list of licenses by category is largely useless to people selecting licenses.<br>2) Businesses that want "vanity licenses" get basically free advertising on approval of their license.<br>3) It arguably tilts things unfairly against licenses like those by Mr Rosen.
<br><br>I think adding a cohort class *may* actually exacerbate problems 1 and 3.<br><br>This being said, it is still better than what we have now in terms of trying to balance the OSI's role in defining open source and at the same time, limiting the dangers of license proliferation. Maybe we could try to get both the "variant" and "cohort" solutions implemented?
<br><br>Best Wishes,<br>Chris Travers<br><br>