<title>simpleLinux Open Documentation License</title>
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<p>This is a PRE-RELEASE draft of the license the Movement for simpleLinux intends to release documentation under. Please send comments to <a href="mailto:sambc@nights.force9.co.uk">sambc@nights.force9.co.uk</a></p>
<p>This document should be viewed in word-wrapped mode.</p>
<p>The simpleLinux Open Documentation License - Revision Alpha-4 - NOT FOR LEGAL USE!</p>
<h2>0. Preamble</h2>
<p>This license intends to protect the rights of the author and the organisation they represent when they release documentation. The license is Open, in that it allows modification & redistribution, and it does not restrict a person in how they use the documentation, or for what purpose. However, it ensures that whatever modifications have been made, any reader can tell easily which parts of the document are as originally written.</p>
<h2>1. Definitions</h2>
<li>"I"/"We"/"The License Holder"/"The Licensor" - The copyright owner - should be the person named in the copyright of the document.</li>
<li>"Organisation"/"Group"/"Controlling Organisation/Group" - The responsible body named in the copyright of the document.</li>
<li>"You"/"The Licensee" - Any person using the document as bound by the terms of this license.</li>
<li>"The Author"/"The Authors" - The person(s) who originally (co)authored (wrote) the original version of the document.</li>
<li>"Modification" - Any additional material added to the document since its release by the Controlling Organisation, or the removal of any original material.</li>
<li>"Modified Version" - Any version of the document containing Modifications.</li>
<li>"Modifier" - Any person making modifications to the document and then providing the modified version to the public.</li>
<li>"Transparent Media/Format" - Any format/media of storage in which the text and graphics are machine-readable and editable, using programs which are available both free of charge and free from restrictions of use (eg HTML, plain ASCII text, XML where the document data type is 'free').</li>
<li>"Opaque Media/Format" - Any format/media of storage not considered Transparent.</li>
<li>"Cover Texts" - Material specified by the author or modifier as required to be shown on the 'cover' of the document. There are restrictions (detailed below) in the amount of such texts.</li>
<li>"Cover" - The first part of the document to be viewed. In the case of a physical copy, this is the first page or the physical cover. In the case of an electronic copy, this is any position before the main body of text.</li>
<li>"Invariant Section" - Any section marked as invariant by the License Holder, as long as it is permitted to be marked as such under the terms of this license (section 4).</li>
<li>"Original Version" - A copy of the document containing no modifications.</li>
<li>"Document"/"The Document" - The work covered by this license.</li>
<li>All matters arising from this license shall be considered under <strong>UK English</strong> Law and subject to the jurisdiction of the <strong>UK English</strong> Courts.</li>
<h2>2. Permissions</h2>
<p>The License Holder hereby grants permission to the Licensee to:</p>
<p><strong>i.</strong> Make unlimited copies of the document in any Transparent Media or Format, provided that:</p><p><blockquote>
- The Author(s) are correctly credited on the Cover<br>
- Cover Texts are preserved in their entirety, although they may be added to in accordance to this license<br>
- The full & original copyright notice is shown, together with any additional copyright notice to cover modifications<br>
- Modifications are made only in accordance with this license</blockquote></p>
<p><strong>ii.</strong> Make unlimited copies of the document in any Media (Transparent or Opaque), provided that:</p><p><blockquote>
- The Author(s) are correctly credited on the Cover<br>
- Cover Texts are preserved in their entirety, although *one* picture and *one* short phrase or slogan (8 words max) may be added to the Cover<br>
- The full & original copyright notice is shown, together with any additional copyright notice to cover modifications<br>
- The content of the document does not vary in any way from a version available in Transparent Media, with no further modifications being made except as under section 3.v of this license<br>
- Instructions accompany the document as to how to obtain a Transparent version at no additional cost.</blockquote></p>
<p><strong>iii.</strong> Make a small number of copies (less than 100, larger numbers by agreement with the License Holder) in any Media (Transparent or Opaque) provided that:</p><p><blockquote>
- The Author(s) are correctly credited on the Cover<br>
- Cover Texts are preserved in their entirety, although *one* picture and *one* short phrase or slogan (8 words max) may be added to the Cover<br>
- The full & original copyright notice is shown.<br>
- No modifications are made to an Original Version whatsoever.</blockquote></p>
<p><strong>iv.</strong> Quote from the document under the conditions set forth in section '4. Quoting' of this license</p>
<h2>3. Modifications</h2>
<p>Any person or group may make modifications to the document, in accordance with this license, notably this section and the above section '2. Permissions'.</p>
<p>The modifications must follow the following guidelines:</p>
<p><strong>i.</strong> No original paragraph may be modified (except for footnote pointers), although additional comments may be added at the end of a paragraph. To aid such, foot note pointers (eg a [1] or superscript 1) may be inserted in paragraphs.</p>
<p><strong>ii.</strong> No Invariant Section may be modified at all.</p>
<p><strong>iii.</strong> No original material may be excluded (except pictures, see v. below)</p>
<p><strong>iv.</strong> Cover Texts may not be modified, except for the addition of up to 12 words & 1 picture, which should be clearly distinguishable from the original Cover Texts. These words & picture shall then be considered Cover Texts.</p>
<p><strong>v.</strong> Any & all pictures may be omitted, but not modified.</p>
<p><strong>vi.</strong> All modifications must be clearly marked as such & easily distinguishable from the original text.</p>
<p><strong>vii.</strong> The original copyright notice must be maintained unmodified, & the Author correctly credited. This should clearly show which Original Version of the document is the basis for the Modified Version, along with any previous copyright notices for Modified Versions.</p>
<p><strong>iix.</strong> An additional copyright notice should be added, stating "This modified version copyright © <date> by <license holder> for the organisation/group [delete as applicable] <group>, as the authorised work of <author>". This should use the author, license holder, and group for the modified version.</p>
<p><strong>ix.</strong> The Modified Version must be distributed under the terms of this license or any license termed 'compatible', either by legal action or by the approval of the Movement for simpleLinux.</p>
<p><strong>x.</strong> Neither the License Holder nor the Responsible Group/Organisation is limited by the following Limitations: i,ii,iv,v,vi,iix.</p>
<p><strong>xi.</strong> Limitation vi is modified to the following: The original copyright notice must be maintained unmodified, with the exception of the date, and the addition of any new Authors.</p>
<p><strong>xii.</strong> Documents modified and distributed under exceptions x & xi above shall be considered seperate Original Versions of the document and should be represented as such, for example by use of a version number or extension to the title.</p>
<p><strong>xiii.</strong> Any and all Authors are permitted to take there work, and there work only, from the Original Version and re-release it with any modifications they see fit. It shall not be considered a Modified Version in any regard, although relicensing shall not affect the Original Version's legal status under this license.</p>
<p><strong>xiv.</strong> Modifications made solely to allow distribution in a different medium, for example adding a contents/index list, or addidng page numbers to such, shall not be considered Modifications.</p>
<h2>4. Quoting</h2>
<p>Any party may quote from the document in any piece of writing provided the following:</p>
<p><strong>i.</strong> Any two of: the Author(s) (all of them to count as one), License Holder, or Responsible Organisation must be credited, together with information for obtaining a Transparent Copy of the Original Version in use. This does not apply where no more than 15 words are quoted.</p>
<p><strong>ii.</strong> If a quotation includes text from a Modification, it should be clearly represented as such.</p>
<p><strong>iii.</strong> Any annotations to the quote must be clearly identified by use of square brackets ([annotation]), and omissions must be noted by [...].</p>
<h2>5. Distribution</h2>
<p>Any copy of the document allowed under sections 2 & 3 may be distributed subject to the following:</p>
<p><strong>i.</strong> No charge may be made for the document, except a reasonable charge for raw materials & distribution, and payment of required staff. The distributor will not be required to justify this amount to the license holder, but to the relevant community as a whole. As an example, reproducing the document in the form of a book is permissible, and the charge need not be lower than for books of similar content & size, but should not be notably higher than such. A charge will be deemed reasonable & accepted if supported by the market, and the copyright holder or Organisation may not require a vendor to reduce or increase price. Charging for access to an online repository containing the document is permissable, but it is worth noting that users may freely copy and repost the document elsewhere.</p>
<h2>6. Using This License</h2>
<p>To use this license, the following copyright statement should be included, with the replacement of text in angle brackets (< and >) with appropriate text, and following the guidelines of text in square brackets ([ and ]) and ommiting such texts themselves:</p>
<p><blockquote>"This original version copyright © <date> by <license holder> for the <organisation/group> [delete as applicable] <group>, as the authorised work of <author>. This document is distributed under the terms of the simpleLinux Open Documentation License (see section <section>) Revision <revision>. Redistribution and modification is permitted under terms of said license"</blockquote></p>
<p>You must also include the full text of this license in the section referenced by <section>. It is also recommended that you include a disclaimer in the form of the following:</p>
<p><blockquote>"This document is provided AS-IS without any warranty, express or implied, including but not limited to the implied warranties of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PURPOSE. Neither the author(s), license holder, or responsible organisation shall be held morally or financially responsible for any losses, financial or otherwise, resulting from the use of this document."</blockquote></p>
<p>You are also free to include other non-legally-binding comments in your copyright statement, such as requests for information when the document is reproduced, or announcing that you would appreciate postcards or drinks, etc, if any user of the document meets you.</p>
<br><h3>REVISION HISTORY:</h3>
<p>02 July 2000 - Revision Alpha-1, not for legal use.<br>
10 August 2000 - Revision Alpha-2, not for legal use: added an exception allowing necessary modifications, and corrected many points of grammar and spelling<br>
28 September 2000 - Revision Alpha-3, not for legal use: increased an authors rights to comply with many jurisdictions requirements. Changed the definition of 'License Holder' to explicitly mean copyright owner.<br>
17 January 2001 - Revision Alpha-4, not for legal use: specified UK English Legal Jurisdiction. Minor changes to some terms to increase freedoms & commercial dirstribution possibilities.<br>