Simple Public License Version 0.9 "Our software" refers to the copyrighted work licensed under this agreement. "We", "us", and "our" refer to the copyright owners. "You" and "your" refer to each prospective licensee individually. We are willing to license our software to you at no charge only on the condition that you accept all of the terms of this agreement: please note the broad disclaimers of warranty and liability. You indicate your acceptance of these terms by using our software. (1) "YOU MAY USE OUR SOFTWARE FOR FREE" You may use and copy our software, or a compiled version of it, and you may distribute, display, perform, and include as part of an aggregate collection, complete unmodified copies of our software. (2) "YOU MAY CREATE NON-FREE APPLICATIONS" You may create a derivative work based on our software by combining a complete unmodified copy of our software, or a compiled version it, with your own separate source materials. You may license the work directly to third party end users. Subject to your license, recipients may use the work on one or more computers, and may create backup copies of it, but may not otherwise copy, distribute, lend, sublicense, or adapt it. (3) "YOU MUST SHARE IMPROVEMENTS TO OUR SOFTWARE" You may create other derivative works based on our software but you must immediately make them available to the public, including all source code, free of charge, on or through a medium customarily used for software exchange. Recipients automatically receive an irrevocable joint offer from you and from us to use your work under the terms of this agreement, royalty-free, and without restriction. You grant to us an irrevocable, non-exclusive, worldwide license to all intellectual property associated with alterations to the literal source code, structure, sequence, or organization of our software itself. Your your derivative work must be unencumbered: it must not depend on additional software unless that software is distributed to the public under a license which allows everyone to use, copy, and distribute the software royalty-free; also, under any patent claim licensable by you which would be infringed by the use of the work under this agreement, you grant to each recipient a worldwide non-exclusive, royalty-free patent license to use, sell, import, and transfer the work under the terms of this agreement. (4) "YOU MUST CREDIT US" If you distribute, display, or perform our software or a derivative work based on it then you must attach our copyright notices and give prominent notice that you used our software under this agreement. You must ensure that these notices appear wherever authors of the work are credited. You must also include a copy of this agreement when you distribute any work subject to it. (5) "GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS" This agreement represents the entire agreement between us, and it is effective until our copyright expires. Your rights under this agreement will terminate immediately, without notice from us, if you fail to comply with any of its provisions, infringe on our copyright, or file any litigation against us relating to our software. Upon such termination you must immediately cease all use, copying, and distribution of our software and derivatives of it. However, you may continue to distribute complete, unmodified copies of our software as part of any existing aggregate collection for up to one further year. For the sole purpose of taking action against an infringer of our copyrights, including actions seeking remedies, compensation, or the recovery of damages, anyone engaged in the lawful distribution of our software shall be considered a beneficial owner of the rights to copy and distribute it, and therefore has the authority to pursue such actions. Nothing in this agreement shall be interpreted strictly against us. If any provision of this agreement is ruled invalid, the rest shall remain in effect, and the invalid provision shall be reformed to the minimum extent necessary to make it valid. If a new version of this agreement is published by Semiotek Inc. you may opt to use your copy of our software under the terms of the new version so published. "Source code" includes the electronic form of a work preferred for making modifications to it. Software "depends on" additional software if it is fully functional only when that additional software is present. (6) "NO WARRANTY AND DISCLAIMER OF ALL LIABILITY" Our software has been provided to you for free, with source code, but without support or maintenance of any kind. It may contain defects, and may not conform to its documentation: You should not use it unless you have proven to yourself that it is acceptable, and you should fix any defects yourself. You must not use our software where there is any risk of death or personal injury. If you make our software, or software based on it, accessible to a third party then you are solely responsible for any warranty provided with it, and agree to indemnify, hold harmless, and defend us against all losses, damages and costs arising from legal actions brought against us by such third parties. Our software is provided to you on an "AS IS" basis. WITHOUT LIMITATION, WE DISCLAIM ALL WARRANTIES, CONDITIONS, OR REPRESENTATIONS, WHETHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION ANY WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF FITNESS FOR A SPECIFIC PURPOSE, MERCHANTABILITY, OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL WE BE LIABLE FOR DAMAGES, INCLUDING DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL (INCLUDING LOST PROFITS), EXEMPLARY, AND PUNITIVE DAMAGES, HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OR DISTRIBUTION OF OUR SOFTWARE OR THE EXERCISE OF ANY RIGHT GRANTED HEREIN, EVEN IF WE HAVE BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES.