[License-discuss] Request for feedback: public specification licensing

Rob Landley rob at landley.net
Wed Jul 17 08:12:57 UTC 2024

On 7/16/24 11:38, Simon Phipps wrote:
> Hi!
> On Tue, Jul 16, 2024 at 5:09 PM Roland Turner wrote:
>     It's not a revenue question. The important issue is that all copies of
>     an interoperability standard must say the same thing, or
>     interoperability itself is defeated.
> Having watched the recent debacle at ISO over Schematron, PDF and other specs,
> and observed the impassioned positions of the various standards entities arguing
> within the ISO special committee on free availability of specifications, I can
> assure you that it's very much a revenue question for the /de jure/ standards
> organisations who are still living in a prior millennium and funding their
> activities from its norms.

Oh it can get way scummier than that:



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