[License-discuss] Grant of Patent License - Apache 2

John Cowan cowan at mercury.ccil.org
Tue Feb 5 16:32:06 UTC 2013

Prashant Shah scripsit:

> Does only the original Work get the patent grant ?. What happens to
> the Derivative Works and Forks ?

You'll note that the text says "each Contributor", so any derivative work
licensed under the Apache license gets all the specified rights from all
the contributors to that work.  If the derivative work is not licensed
under Apache, you get rights to that part of it which is, and all bets
are off for the rest.

Do what you will,                       John Cowan
   this Life's a Fiction                cowan at ccil.org
And is made up of                       http://www.ccil.org/~cowan
   Contradiction.  --William Blake

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