[License-discuss] License which requires watermarking? (Attribution Provision)

Rick Moen rick at linuxmafia.com
Tue Dec 18 21:02:21 UTC 2012

Quoting Johnny Solbu (johnny at solbu.net):

> You can also look at the various «Creative Commons» licenses. If I'm
> not mistaken, all of them require attribution.

They require keeping copyright notices intact and provide the name of
the original author, etc., which credit may be 'implemented in any
reasonable manner', etc.  Details for SA-BY 3.0 here:
https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode (4a, 4b).

However, I would hope that any work with elaborate copyright notices on
every UI screen would be regarded as noxious and widely ignored.
We've seen that sort of tactic before.

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