Announcing OWFa and CLA 1.0

Lawrence Rosen lrosen at
Thu Mar 31 16:50:14 UTC 2011

[apologies in advance for cross-posting]


I'm sending this to OSI license-discuss@ to see if there is any interest in
having OSI review these agreements for compatibility with the OSD. /Larry




The Board of Directors of the Open Web Foundation
<>  has unanimously approved the
publication of the final version 1.0 of two Contributor License Agreements
(CLA) and two Final Specification Agreements (OWFa). The OWFa and CLA are
model agreements designed to be used by a wide range of communities and
organizations for specifying standard functionality for computer software,
whether open source or proprietary, regardless of the software license. To
date, OWF agreements have been used by Esri, Facebook, Google, Microsoft,
Yahoo! and others.

The OWFa and CLA grant copyright and patent rights for implementations of a
specification, ensuring that downstream consumers may freely implement and
reuse the licensed specification without seeking further permission. In
addition to the agreement itself, we also created an easy-to-read FAQ that
provides a high level overview of the agreements. 


Links to the OWF model agreements:


CLA 1.0 - Copyright
or-license-agreement-1-0---copyright-and-patent> & Patent

OWFa 1.0 - Copyright
<> &

CLA 1.0 - Copyright-only

OWFa 1.0 - Patent-only


To use the agreements with your own specifications, please see our FAQ:


FAQ for Contributors, Supporters, Implementers and Users of Open


The Open Web Foundation is open to everyone without charge and we actively
solicit feedback and participation from the community at large, whether or
not you are Open Web Foundation members. Interested individuals are
encouraged to join the Open Web Foundation general discussion list to offer
input and support. 


We encourage public comments and suggestions.


/Larry Rosen on behalf of the OWF Legal Drafting Committee


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