Which DUAL Licence should I choose.

Chuck Swiger chuck at codefab.com
Fri Jul 29 18:59:43 UTC 2011

On Jul 29, 2011, at 11:28 AM, Thomas Schneider wrote:
>> If your product is really of commercial value, companies will be happy
>> to pay you to provide support, customization, and maintenance without
>> any need for anything but an open-source license on the code itself.
> Quote: ... without any need for anything but an open source licence of the code itself.
> This paragraph I don't understand!.
> I do have some partner's around the world who might be interested to CONTRIBUTE
> to my software. In order to be able to do so, I would like to OPEN SOURCE the Software on KENAI,
> but SELL it !
> As far as I can see it now, this is a *contradiction* per se. Isn't it ??

No contradiction.  You are welcome to sell "OPEN SOURCE" software for whatever price you want; but you cannot prevent others, including your clients, from redistributing this same software for free, or for whatever they want to charge.

For example, you can offer to sell GPL'ed software like the GCC compiler toolchain, or a webserver based upon Apache under the ASL, for whatever the market is willing to pay.  However, this software is also available for free for anyone to download and build themselves.  So, the reason why someone would pay you for GCC or Apache HTTPD when they can get it for free is because they want support, customization, and so forth which you provide.

Are people willing to pay for RedHat EL rather than using Fedora?
http://finance.yahoo.com/q?s=RHT suggests they're doing pretty well.


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