Which DUAL Licence should I choose.

Thomas Schneider Thomas.Schneider at thsitc.com
Thu Jul 28 22:13:01 UTC 2011

Hello there,
     I'm Thomas Schneider, located in Vienna, Asutria, and I am the 
author of
a couple of packages (written in NetRexx, see www.netrexx.org for details of
NetRexx, which in turn generates Java Code)

    I've now setup two major projects of mine at www.kenai.com, namely

  PP: The Product Porting Machine


  ReyC: The Rey Compiler

I'm now searching for a proper DUAL Licence for those packages, with the
following intents:

1.) I would like to OPEN SOURCE the source code there on www.Kenai.com
2.) I would like to make the usage FREE for individuals, with a limited 
amount of
source code processed (say 5.000 thru 10.000 Code-Lines maximum)


3.) I would like to CHARGE a Licence Fee for commerical user's, e.g. big
companies (mainly, IBM Mainframe Customer's) using those tool's to port
their existing software from PL/I and/or COBOL to Java.

My questions are:

a) Is this possible under an OPEN SOURCE Licence at all?
b) Can anyone, when possible, suggest a proper DUAL Licence which might 
fit my

Thanks for any advise I get on this issue.

Thomas Schneider
ThSITC IT-Consulting KG

Thomas Schneider (www.thsitc.com)

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