Properly DIsplaying BSD-Style License

Justin Stocker jdstocker at
Mon Jul 11 03:12:06 UTC 2011


I'm working on developing a command-line application and I'm
using a BSD-style license. What I'm trying to figure out is how
to display a license notice with the program.

My plan was to display a brief blurb below the version and
copyright, e.g. when you pass the "-V" option to the program.
What I don't know is the correct phrasing for something like
that. Can you think of any examples that I could look at or maybe
provide me with some examples?

I was thinking about just including the whole license text since
it's not as long as something like the GPL, but it's still a lot
of text for a command-line application and distracts from the
actual version info, making it a chore to look for the version.

Justin Stocker
jdstocker at

P.S.: My first mailing list post and open source program :-).

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