updating the GPL's status in http://www.opensource.org/licenses/category ?

Raj Mathur raju at linux-delhi.org
Wed Jan 20 12:11:02 UTC 2010

On Wednesday 20 Jan 2010, Dag-Erling Smørgrav wrote:
> GPLv2 has not been superseded - the Linux kernel, for instance, is
>  still under "GPL version 2 or later" and not "3 or later", because
>  Linus Torvalds disagrees with several of the changes made between v2
>  and v3.

On an unrelated note, is Linus' agreement only a necessary condition for 
GPL v3 to be accepted for the Linux kernel, or is it both necessary and 
sufficient?  My guess would be the former, since each individual 
contributor has to agree to a change in licence, right?


-- Raj
Raj Mathur                raju at kandalaya.org      http://kandalaya.org/
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