Why use Warranty Disclaimers?

Oleksandr Gavenko gavenkoa at gmail.com
Sun Dec 5 14:22:31 UTC 2010

Most OSI approved licenses contain Warranty Disclaimers.

Suppose I put my code without Warranty Disclaimers into web
and don't sell/promote/advertise it and some one use it.

Then this person can damage me in judgement?

As example how I think: I make bench near my house
so it's free to sit by anyone. But some heavy man
sit and fracture his leg because bench work only
for 100 kg. I don't promote to sit but I don't
warn about 100 kg limit.

How about countries where EULA valid only if form of written
agreement with authors (so LICENSE text in file have no
legal effect)?

I agree that Warranty Disclaimers must be applied by
distributors of open source program (like sites with
Linux distro because promote it to user, or open source
hosting site like SourceForge because they can write
"get soft from our site!").

But what if I just put source/program to the WEB?

Best regards!

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