Apache style issue

John Cowan cowan at ccil.org
Wed Aug 19 16:22:42 UTC 2009

Ben Tilly scripsit:

> The details in this case cause the Apache license to be GPL v2
> incompatible, while both the BSD and MIT licenses are GPL v2
> compatible.  Given the importance of the GPL v2, this is a pretty
> significant difference for free software authors.  Whether or not they
> want to get into the details.

So says the FSF, but the ASF says otherwise.  Only a judge can tell
for sure.  (Both agree that Apache 2.0 and GPL 3.0 are compatible.)

In any case, I remind posters that the OP wanted a definition of
"Apache-style license".  If the answer is "Only the Apache license and
nothing else is an Apache-style license," the question is undermined.

My confusion is rapidly waxing          John Cowan
For XML Schema's too taxing:            cowan at ccil.org
    I'd use DTDs                        http://www.ccil.org/~cowan
    If they had local trees --
I think I best switch to RELAX NG.

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