followup on the "obligation to cite" discussion
Cengiz Gunay
cgunay at
Thu Oct 30 19:42:29 UTC 2008
This is a followup on the discussion I started in the license-review list.
I was told it is the wrong place to ask a question about a possible
extension to the AFL license, so here're my abridged responses to all the
Thorsten and Bruce said that a mandatory citation is not
open-source-compliant and it will create a hardship to cite every tool
that is used in preparing a work. They and Dag-Erling also suggested that
citations should not be mandatory and left to scholarly integrity of the
I somewhat agree with what was said and change my position from obligation
to cite to merely "informing what to cite" in case they find it reasonable
to cite my publications. So it would make sense for me to employ the
current AFL 3.0 and follow Lawrence's advice to use the "attribution
notice" included in every source file to specify a URL and an example
However, this must be repeated in every file and creates a burden for me
to duplicate it in every source file, and also probably needlessly
increases the size of the software. Most importantly, if somebody just
uses my software to get results and never looks into the source code, they
will never see the attribution notice. So I would like to have this notice
in a more prominent place, such as right before the AFL text in the same
file, or at the end of the file. Do you think this will conflict with the
integrity of the AFL license? I would obviously clearly separate the
section from the main AFL text.
Cengiz Gunay
Postdoctoral Fellow
Prinz Lab, Dept. of Biology, Emory University
1510 Clifton Rd., Room 2172, Atlanta, GA 30322, U.S.A.
cgunay at cengique at cengique at
Lab: +1-404-727-9381 Home/Cell: +1-678-559-8694
ICQ# 21104923, cengique@{,Skype}
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