Trademark info

Ben Tilly btilly at
Wed May 21 23:34:37 UTC 2008

On Wed, May 21, 2008 at 4:04 PM, Daniil Kulchenko <dkulchenko at> wrote:
> Who should I contact if I have a question about getting trademark/code
> permission on distributing Perl? I can't seem to find an e-mail
> address or anything...

Perl comes under a choice of two licenses.  You can distribute under
the GPL v2 or (at your option) the Artistic License.  (Commercial
redistributers frequently prefer the Artistic license.)  If you have
any questions about whether your proposed use satisfies those
licenses, you should consult with legal counsel.  If it those licenses
do not satisfy, you are highly unlikely to get the Perl community to
agree to anything else.  Luckily those licenses are fairly generous
and you should not have a problem.

There are two trademarked symbols that are commonly associated with
Perl.  The most famous is the camel.  That is trademarked by O'Reilly.
 See for
information on that trademark.  The second most famous is the onion.
That is trademarked by The Perl Foundation.  See for information on that
trademark. I would suggest that you use the onion trademark rather
than the camel.


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