Fwd: Convert GPL to MPL

Marcel Ferrante marcelf at gmail.com
Fri Jan 18 18:01:40 UTC 2008

Ok, so lets start from begining.

There is a open source gpl. I take the software and do some modifications.
I want distribute the code, everthing, but I wanna charge. Wich my options:

1. Change the license
R: I cant ok ?

2. I keep the gpl license but add a annex with new deffinitions. In this
deffinitions I add how I am charging  and some restrictions.
For example:
The four lays of open source is respected, of course. But I add if the
software or some part is used
for commercial proposits I charge some $X for month or $XXX forever.
I can do that ?

3. If I have a open software gpl that charge $Y for commercial use. Can I do
a fork of this project that charge nothing ?

Thank you very much,

2008/1/18, Arnoud Engelfriet <arnoud at engelfriet.net>:
> Marcel Ferrante wrote:
> > If a open source uses GPL License and I do a fork and do many
> > modifications, I can change its license to MPL, to turn the software
> > a commercial open source ?
> No, you can't do that. Only the copyright holders, usually the authors
> of the GPL software, can change the license. This is a standard feature
> of copyright law.
> Arnoud
> --
> Arnoud Engelfriet, Dutch & European patent attorney - Speaking only for
> myself
> Patents, copyright and IPR explained for techies:
> http://www.iusmentis.com/
>              Arnoud blogt nu ook: http://blog.iusmentis.com/

Marcel Ferrante Silva
Especialista em Gestão da Informação
(31) 8851-9069 3499-6797 ICQ:218148957
MSN: marcelferrante at hotmail.com
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