OT - enough! Re: encforceability of the GPL

Ernest Prabhakar ernest.prabhakar at gmail.com
Mon Feb 11 20:07:05 UTC 2008

Hi Alexander et al,

On Feb 11, 2008, at 12:01 PM, Alexander Terekhov wrote:
> Quoting Dan Wallace:
> --------
> The GPL is an egregious and pernicious misuse of copyright that  
> rises to
> the level of an antitrust violation. The GPL requires control of all
> licensees' software patent rights as well as source code copyrights:

While I realize the question of "enforceability of the GPL" is of  
interest to some of you, the reality is that there are numerous  
complex legal issues which most lawyers are *not* willing to discuss  
in this type of forum.

The end result is that we get a lot of half-baked discussions, rather  
than a sober legal analysis, which ultimately does NOT benefit the  

Without placing or assigning blame to any particular party, I am  
formally declaring this item "off topic" for the L-D list. I ask all  
of you to cease posting or replying publicly.

If any of you have unresolved issues where you feel you must say  
something, please email that person privately; and please, don't post  
any private emails to the list.

If any of you have problems with this policy, feel free to email me  

Thank you,

-- Ernie P.
L-D Moderator

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