OSI Approval process

Philippe Verdy verdy_p at wanadoo.fr
Fri Sep 28 21:17:37 UTC 2007

You have visibly not read the LGPL, which names itself as “Lesser GPL” not
as “Library GPL” as it was the case in the very old 1.0 version.

This is even clearer with LGPLv3 which defines itself as the GPLv3 plus some
additional permissions (as defined in the GPLv3), and which is then
explicitely defined as a GPLv3 compliant implementation. The term used in
the LGPL since long is “Lesser” not “Library”, even if it contains some
additional permissions that are specific to libraries, it does not reduce
its scope of application to any kind of copyrightable content, for which the
terms of the GPL still apply, terms that are restricting some rights except
those that are *additionally* and *optionally* granted by the LGPL.



De : Daniel Corbe [mailto:daniel.junkmail at gmail.com] 
Envoyé : jeudi 27 septembre 2007 17:08
À : Matthew Flaschen
Cc : License Discuss
Objet : Re: OSI Approval process


Ultimately we were advised by legal counsel NOT to use the LGPL due to the
extended use of the term "Library" throughout the license agreement and how
that can potentially be misconstrued in court due to the fact that the
software in question is actually not a library but rather a full blown


I personally think this fear is unfounded; however, my lawyers aren't
technical people and I don't have a law degree so I'm going to accept the
advice at face value. 




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