For Approval: Microsoft Permissive License

Donovan Hawkins hawkins at
Thu Sep 27 01:43:00 UTC 2007

On Wed, 26 Sep 2007, Jon Rosenberg (PBM) wrote:

> As I stated in my previous post, our goal is clarity and transparency. 
> The goal of the license titles was clear differentiation between a 
> reciprocal license and a permissive license, so I would like to propose 
> a revision that I hope will get us closer to that goal.  I would like to 
> get all of your feedback on the following name revisions:
> *       Microsoft Community License becomes Microsoft Reciprocal License
> *       Microsoft Permissive License becomes Microsoft Open License

I think those names are much better and less likely to confuse.

Donovan Hawkins, PhD                 "The study of physics will always be
Software Engineer                     safer than biology, for while the
hawkins at                   hazards of physics drop off as 1/r^2,                biological ones grow exponentially."

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