a plea

Rick Moen rick at linuxmafia.com
Thu Sep 13 17:47:28 UTC 2007

Quoting Eugene Wee (eugenew at starhub.net.sg):
[replying to Kenyon, Douglas W. (US)]

> I believe you should send the message to:
> license-discuss-unsubscribe at opensource.org

Indeed, please note that _every_ post you receive on tis mailing list 
includes these informational headers:

  List-Post: <mailto:license-discuss at opensource.org>
  List-Help: <mailto:license-discuss-help at opensource.org>
  List-Unsubscribe: <mailto:license-discuss-unsubscribe at opensource.org>
  List-Subscribe: <mailto:license-discuss-subscribe at opensource.org>

Notice that the second of those is the listadmin.  For heaven's sake,
don't retype such things:  Use copy and paste.

Those are ezmlm-format informational headers; pretty nearly every other
mailing list manager has something equivalent.  Therefore, there's
really no excuse for writing to the whole darned subscriber base 
when you have an administrative problem.  Write to the listadmin if you
need help; do NOT write to the mailing list (as Douglas did).

Cheers,                     Peter G. Neumann:  "Mars has been a tough target."
Rick Moen                   Harlan Rosenthal:  "That's because the Martians keep
rick at linuxmafia.com         shooting things down."   RISKS Digest, v. 20, #59&60

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