Automatic GPL termination

John Cowan cowan at
Wed Sep 12 16:36:40 UTC 2007

Chris Travers scripsit:

> How else can section 7 additional permissions be removed in the GPL3 except
> by sublicensing?

Tinker writes Code and passes it to Evers under the GPLv3 with additional
permissions.  Evers strips the additional permissions and passes the
result to Chance.  This is just Evers modifying Code (as permitted by
the license of Code) and conveying the modified work.  Chance now has
a license direct from Tinker, so there is no sublicensing involved.

This is a Good Thing, because even if Evers's license is later revoked,
Chance's is not.

A witness cannot give evidence of his           John Cowan
age unless he can remember being born.          cowan at
  --Judge Blagden                     

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