rms at 1407.org claiming "licenses aren't contracts" and that...

Alexander Terekhov alexander.terekhov at gmail.com
Fri Oct 19 16:57:26 UTC 2007

On 10/19/07, Chris Travers <chris.travers at gmail.com> wrote:
> On 10/19/07, Donovan Hawkins <hawkins at cephira.com> wrote:
> >
> >
> > Alexander Terekhov wrote:
> > >
> > > Why not discuss here on *license discuss* forum (not license approval
> > > or some such)
> > http://www.uscfc.uscourts.gov/Opinions/Horn/99/RTCOMP.htm
> > > ruling by the United States Court of Federal Claims...
> >
> > Because that is not the stated purpose of this list, as has been pointed out
> > many times. Try looking at more than the name of the list...titles are
> > generally non-normative.
> While I think that there is an issue that the OSI has failed to
> provide any public statement about the actual purpose of the list (all
> we have are a few disparate mentions of things that are supposed to be
> discussed here and *no* statements about what the list is actually
> about other than its name), I would still qualify Alexander as
> off-topic here.
> Furthermore, it seems that Alexander a) does not respond to emails
> from these conversations sent privately and b) brings up the same
> points over and over in confrontational ways (regardless of general
> agreement or lack thereof from this list with specific points such as
> whether licenses are contracts), a reasonable person could easily
> conclude that Alexander was simply trolling.
> In short, I am not sure that Alexander's posts can be fairly
> categorized in any way other than to make analogies to "BSD is Dying"
> posts on Slashdot.
> I would therefore recommend that if Alexander does not wish to be
> labeled as a troll, that he stop this sort of behavior.  We cannot
> read his mind and can only conclude such things based upon his
> actions.

Replied in private (off-band).


P.S. All reasonable people having a habit of reading/posting on/to
Slashdot are uber trolls, I think.

"To show the falsity of 'PJ''s claims, in most cases I need look no further
than Groklaw itself. 'PJ' wants more journalists to use the site as a
resource, so I'll do just that. Below are excerpts from my story that 'PJ'
says are incorrect, followed by 'PJ''s characterization of them, and my
response -- at times taken directly from Groklaw."

                                -- http://tinyurl.com/2mn3jc

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