BSD-like licenses and the OSI approval process

Arnoud Engelfriet arnoud at
Tue Oct 16 08:19:39 UTC 2007

Matthew Flaschen wrote:
> Chris Travers wrote:
> > Then let us approve them en masse and get it over with.  No
> > supposition that one has to agree as a community on specific wording.
> > If we simply say "All licenses meeting these criteria are hereby
> > approved so no new approval proceedings need to be made for them" then
> > the problem goes away, doesn't it?
> How does one verify whether or not a license /does/ meet the criteria?

Sometimes certification bodies allow "self-certification". Someone
who wants to use the mark can do so, if he himself decides that his
use is within the rules set for the certification mark.

Of course the risk is with the user: if he is not in compliance
with the rules, he violates trademark law. And usually the user
has to draw up some statement spelling out how his use complies
with the certification criteria.


Arnoud Engelfriet, Dutch & European patent attorney - Speaking only for myself
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