For Approval: BSD License, PostgreSQL Variant

Chris Travers chris.travers at
Sun Oct 14 19:51:16 UTC 2007

Hi all;

I would like to table my request to see this license approved pending
the outcome of Mr Tiemann's proposal for approving "cohort" classes of
license.  If that is approved, then I will conider that sufficient to
meet my needs and will not seek separate approval.

Hence this is not a withdrawal of the request but rather a recognition
that everyone's needs may be better served by approval of a broad
class of licenses.  If Mr. Tiemann's proposal does not go forward, I
will take the next steps on this (hiring a lawyer for the legal
analysis required for approval, and notifying this list of my desire
to continue full-fledged approval proceedings for this license.

Best Wishes,
Chris Tavers

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