For Approval: BSD License, PostgreSQL Variant

Chris Travers chris.travers at
Thu Oct 11 04:17:23 UTC 2007

On 10/10/07, John Cowan <cowan at> wrote:

> Unfortunately, that bumps up against the supposed legal rule that no
> license can't be changed without the unanimous consent of the authors.
> You and I know better, as do at least some members of this list,
> but there are many people who are deeply invested in the truth
> of this absurdity.

I think in PostgreSQL's case, the issue is more reasonable.  The
general understanding is that, with the consent of certain parties,
the license could probably be changed, but that this would have a
disruptive impact on the contribution and community members.

Any substantive change in licensing which is going to be "better" for
some parties may not be better for all.  The only change which has
been made to date was the removal, with the consent of the University
of California, to remove the advertising clause.

Best Wishes,
Chris Travers

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