For Approval: Common Public Attribution License (CPAL)

Tony Bowden tony at
Tue Jun 26 14:32:31 UTC 2007

David Woolley wrote:
>> 1.    “Definitions”
>>     1.0.1    “Commercial Use” means distribution or otherwise making
>> the Covered Code available to a third party.
> This is a much broader definition of commercial use that normal, in that
> there is no mention of money anywhere.  
> I suspect, in part, you are confused by proprietary licence
> *agreements*, where the key part of the document is the contractual
> agreement.  "licence" as a word, means give permission.  Without that
> permission, even using is illegal in some places.

Both of the snippets you excerpted are taken verbatim from the Mozilla
Public License, on which the CPAL is based. (Everything up to section 14
should be identical to MPL).

That doesn't mean that your comments don't have merit - just that if
they do, it's much bigger issue than CPAL...


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