LGPL vs. GPL + Classpath Exception

Matthew Flaschen matthew.flaschen at gatech.edu
Sat Jun 9 00:04:01 UTC 2007

Roger Fujii wrote:
> I cannot see how you can write a java class that is not covered by the
> GPL with
> a GPLed java.lang.object as *ALL* java classes are subclassed from
> java.lang.object.
> As I said before, this makes it impossible to make an independent module
> (unless
> you compile it with a non-GPLed java.lang.object elsewhere). 

I see your point.  You're correct that the exception is poorly written.
 However, I would interpret "not derived from or based" (in the
definition of "independent") as something like "written without the
inclusion or use (besides linking) of GPL code".  For instance, the
program may only be written with reference to the Sun API.  I agree this
is contrary to the FSF's interpretation of what constitutes derivation
under copyright law.

Matthew Flaschen

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