SocialText AGAINST paper wiki page

Matthew Flaschen matthew.flaschen at
Sat Jan 20 02:47:36 UTC 2007

Andrew C. Oliver wrote:

Whoa, this is not about SPL!  We are reviewing GAP (Generic Attribution
Provision); contrary to what Socialtext has sometimes strongly implied,
SPL does not equal MPL + GAP.  I have changed the page to refer to GAP.
 In my opinion (I think shared by a few others), SPL is *much* worse
than GAP.  Socialtext may well switch to GAP if it is approved, but
they're not using it now and it's supposed to be generic anyhow.

I've moved both pages to GAP *, and started correcting them to refer to
the correct license.

> I have gotten this started.

Thank you.
> In other words: not trying to drive registrations, just offer a
> publicly editable page without making Chinese spam and medical
> enhancement ads part of the position.

Hey, it's your database. ;)

Matthew Flaschen

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