Ethical Restriction

Matthew Flaschen matthew.flaschen at
Thu Feb 1 02:29:32 UTC 2007

Rick Moen wrote:
> Consider, for example, this revised badgeware patch to Mozilla Public
> License v.  1.1, posted yesterday to
> :
>   Redistributions of the Covered Code in binary form or source code
>   form, must ensure that the first time the resulting executable program
>   is launched, a user interface, if any, shall include the attribution
>   information set forth below prominently. If the executable program does
>   not launch a user interface, the Company name and URL shall be included
>   in the notice section of each file of the Covered Code. :
>   (a) MuleSource Inc.
>   (b) The MuleSource Logo Image
>   (
>   (c)
> It might (when considered with the rest of MPL v. 1.1) or might not be 
> considered to legitimately qualify as open source[2]

Thanks for posting this.  Unfortunately, your CUI might need to output:








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It still counts on every UI being able to display that exact graphic
(the license text even includes the graphic), which doesn't seem to
comply with OSD 10.

Matthew Flaschen

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