Is license dennying redstribution open source?

petr.pisar at petr.pisar at
Mon Dec 17 12:59:43 UTC 2007


I have a little weird question: Does OSI's open source definition require
permission to redistribute software?

Let's say I have a license that allows anything except redistribution (and
sublicensing) of the software (in any form, binary or source code, in original
untouched form or modfied version, the whole one or only a part) to third
party. Let's suppose the licenesee get source code from licesensor.

Thus the licensee can do whatever he wants but he can't provide the sofware to
anybody else. Therefore software can only be "shared" between the orginial
author and first level customer.

According my opinion it is in conntrast to first sentece of second item of
OSI's definition and may be it's in conflict with first item because it
doesn't allow redistribution as part of collection of other software.

Could any wise man/woman entlighten me?

-- Petr Pisar

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