When to evaluate dual licenses

Matthew Flaschen matthew.flaschen at gatech.edu
Thu Dec 13 23:17:28 UTC 2007

Chris Travers wrote:
> Ok, to clarify my original comment:
> If I said:  "You may use this work under the BSD License as long as you
> choose to release your modifications under the Aladdin Free Software
> License" that would not be OSD-compliant.
> If the GPL v2 or later meant "You have to choose between these licenses and
> may not pass the right to choose downstream" that would not be
> OSD-compliant.
> But I contend that GPL v2 or later doesn't mean that so there is no problem.

Personally, I agree "GPLv2 or later" can be passed downstream
(essentially, as I said, this can be interpreted as the modifier
choosing /all versions/ starting with GPLv2, in parallel).

But, again, "GPLv2 or later" is not a software license and is outside
OSI's scope.

Matt Flaschen

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