When to evaluate dual licenses

Wilson, Andrew andrew.wilson at intel.com
Wed Dec 5 01:02:51 UTC 2007


Chris Travers wrote:
> Wilson, Andrew <andrew.wilson at intel.com> wrote:
>	So, we've established that distribution does potentially matter.
>	Distributors are licensees themselves and may exercise their GPL
>	rights, such as removing section 7 additional permissions
>	from V3 code, or electing a specific version when offered "GPLv2
>	later"
>	by an initial developer.
> If one is forced to choose, then works licensed under the GPL v2 or
later do not 
> meet the OSD because derivative works cannot carry the same licenses.

This seems like a rather drastic conclusion and I am not sure how
you reached it.  "GPLv2" is a license.  "GPLv2 or later" is a choice
of licenses.  OSI certifies individual licenses, not choices
of licenses.

Andy Wilson
Intel open source technology center

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