When to evaluate dual licenses (was: license categories, was: I'm not supposed to use the ECL v2?)

John Cowan cowan at ccil.org
Tue Dec 4 17:13:17 UTC 2007

Smith, McCoy scripsit:

> If that's the case, then does Bob (the intermediate distributor between
> author Alice and buyer Carol) owe any obligation to Carol to provide
> source and/or installation information to Carol?  Could he not just say
> "your license is from Alice -- go get it from her!"

Source, yes, by the terms of either GPL.  Installation information,
clearly no under the GPLv2; possibly, under the GPLv3, depending on
the device.

Do I contradict myself?                         John Cowan
Very well then, I contradict myself.            cowan at ccil.org
I am large, I contain multitudes.               http://www.ccil.org/~cowan
        --Walt Whitman, Leaves of Grass

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