License Committee Report for July 2007

John Cowan cowan at
Wed Aug 1 02:01:18 UTC 2007

Brendan Scott scripsit:

> "But when you distribute the same sections as part of a whole which
> is a work based on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be
> on the terms of this License, whose permissions for other licensees
> extend to the entire whole, *and thus to each and every part regardless
> of who wrote it.*"

Permissions, yes.  All the parts must offer the permissions of the GPLv2.
But it is not required that all the parts likewise impose the restrictions
of the GPLv2, only that the work as a whole do so.

A poetical purist named Cowan           [that's me: cowan at]
Once put the rest of us dowan.          [on xml-dev]
    "Your verse would be sweeter
    If it only had metre
And rhymes that didn't force me to frowan."     [overpacked line!] --Michael Kay

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