An explanation of the difficulty of solving license proliferation in one sentence

Rick Moen rick at
Thu Mar 10 09:04:36 UTC 2005

Quoting Joel West (svosrp at

> So a lot can be done without OSI changing its mission from promoting
> the OSD to regulating entry into the OSI-blessed list. Forrest is
> right -- if OSI no longer wants to take an inclusive view of the OSD,
> some other organization will.

OSI has the advantage of being run by people who have earned the trust
of the open source community.  Despite the entry into this mailing list
of a long succession of fast-talkers -- some of whom have committed
gaffes like slamming OSI's longtime, highly respected general counsel as
"controversial" -- nobody else has that distinction.  Nor merited it.

Rick Moen                                    Magnus frater spectat te.
rick at

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